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Improved Digestibility, Improved Protein Content

Value Chain
Climatic Zone
Water Source
Decision Making
Farming Characteristics
Labour Intensity
Initial Investment
Maintenance Costs
Access to Finance/Credit
Extension Support Required
Access to Inputs
Access to Markets
Gender/Youth Smart

Improved protein content in animal feed can positively impact productivity, such as the quality and quantity of meat and milk.  With the increase in global demand for meat and dairy products, the increase of protein in livestock diets is extremely important. Key to the absorption of protein in livestock diets is the improved digestibility of protein. For protein to be utilised efficiently by livestock i.e. consumed and converted into body protein and resulting in bigger and better-quality meat, certain amino acids need to be present. Thus, to maximise protein deposition in livestock, the required amino acids must also be included in the feed. Amino acids have been added to livestock feed for over 40-years. The most common amino acids added to feeds are Methionine, Lysine, Threonine, and Tryptophan. With the expansion of inexpensive plant-based proteins (soybeans etc.) and increasing demands for meat, plant-based proteins offer an alternative or supplement to amino-acids, contributing to greater efficiency of conversion of proteins from feed to meat. Plant-based proteins also require less monitoring than synthetic additives, but amino acids are often needed to maintain digestibility. Improved livestock productivity and conversion is climate smart because there is more efficient conversion of food to weight gain and less livestock pressure on land, supporting a more efficient value chain.

Technical Application

To effectively implement Improved digestibility, Improved protein content:

  • Step 1: Inform farmers of the possible benefits of increased dietary protein in their livestock in order to implement dietary supplements.
  • Step 2: Identify a supplement contain the key amino acids - Methionine, Lysine, Threonine, and Tryptophan, in consultation with suppliers and veterinarians.
  • Step 3: Added supplements to green plant residue (silage) as guided on packaging or by supplier to increase the efficiency of protein in livestock. Ensure that supplement amounts are suitable for animals and the type of feed being supplemented.
  • Step 4: Ensure that supplements sourced will be consistently available from suppliers in the region. These supplements can be purchased at most agricultural shops, including rural areas.
  • Step 5: As a low-cost option, farmers can formulate rations specific to their livestock. These rations are only for domestic use and not commercial.
Return on Investment Realisation Period
Crop Production
Fodder Production
Farm Income
Household Workload
Food Security
Soil Quality/Cover
Biological Diversity
Crop/Livestock Water Availability
Wind Protection
Erosion Control
Increase Production
Less feed is required to reach the same levels of production. Potentially this means less livestock pressure on land.
Increase Resilience
Less is required to reach the same levels of production. Potentially this means less livestock pressure on land.
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Benefits and Drawbacks


  • Protein absorption in livestock contributes to increased meat and milk production.
  • Less livestock pressure on land.


  • Synthetic amino acids require constant monitoring.

Non-Conventional Feeds

Value Chain
Climatic Zone
Water Source
Decision Making
Farming Characteristics
Labour Intensity
Initial Investment
Maintenance Costs
Access to Finance/Credit
Extension Support Required
Access to Inputs
Access to Markets
Gender/Youth Smart

Non-Conventional Feeds (NCF) are either traditional or commercial animal feed-types that are not traditionally utilised as animal feed. These feeds are generally in one of two categories: by-products of agroecological industrial processes, or plants/plant materials from other processes. Examples of industrial by-products include groundnut cake, molasses and cotton seed meal, which are outputs from other processes and are found in proximity of manufacturing points, but often have a short shelf-life. Plant materials can be vegetable peels or locally available crop residues such as maize stalks and other remaining parts of harvested plants not consumed by humans. NCF decrease the demand of land to grow fodder, act as an alternative source for animal feed, resulting in the decrease of food competition between animals and humans ensuring food security. Furthermore, the use of bi-products optimises the use of raw materials and can increase profitability for the producer and the farmer.

Technical Application

To effectively implement NCF practices:

  • Step 1: Determine potential sources of NCFs in the local area and consider if the potential products are suitable (provide enough energy, are digestible, palatable to livestock animals, etc) and require additional investment to access or use.
  • Step 2: Collect for free/negotiate lower rates with producers of agroecological industrial process biproducts or plant materials to gain access to their ‘waste’ materials.
  • Step 3: Determine how sustainable and consistent the supply will be from the providers. If possible, identify a range of suppliers to mitigate potential losses of stockpiled NCFs.
  • Step 4: Before being used as feed, NCF’s from agroecological processes must be appropriately processed - (grinding (8 mm) and pelleting) and mixed into a uniform blend. Hence, labour requirements may increase. This could be mechanised.
  • Step 5: Livestock should be monitored when these feeds are introduced to ensure digestibility of the product for the animals.
  • Step 6: Based on advice from the suppliers of agroecological industrial process biproducts, ensure appropriate storage of materials to avoid loss of nutrition, pests and waste.
Return on Investment Realisation Period
Crop Production
Fodder Production
Farm Income
Household Workload
Food Security
Soil Quality/Cover
Biological Diversity
Crop/Livestock Water Availability
Wind Protection
Erosion Control
Increase Production
Can supplement conventional feed to enhance productivity.
Increase Resilience
Reduces pressure on land to produce fodder.
Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions
As these are by-products of industrial processes, no additional inputs to produce fodder are required.
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Benefits and Drawbacks


  • The use of NCFs could be a cheap and good source of nutrients for livestock.
  • NCF act as an alternative source for animal feed, resulting in a decrease of food competition between animals and humans.


  • NCF’s need to be handled properly to avoid formation of moulds that are not good for animal health.
  • Farmers need to acquire skills on how best to conserve these residues for animal consumption, like drying before storing to avoid the loss of nutritional value.

Physical Storage Options

Value Chain
Climatic Zone
Decision Making
Farming Characteristics
Labour Intensity
Initial Investment
Maintenance Costs
Access to Finance/Credit
Extension Support Required
Access to Inputs
Access to Markets
Gender/Youth Smart

Grains are stored to reduce the opportunities for loss, damage or infestation by pests. On the farm grain storage can be short-term (>3 months) before it is moved to the supply chain, long term (3-12 months) while farmers store it for home consumption, to sell when prices are more favourable or for planting in the next season. During this phase of post-harvest processing, grains can be stored in bags, silos or other bulk storage containers. Bag storage utilises permeable sacks that will allow air movement in and out of the bag. Structures can be built to store grains and solid-wall bins or silos should be used in areas where grains can be dried properly. Other options include airtight underground pits, steel bins, while concrete silos and warehouses can also be used as storage options. While storing grains to ensure favourable storage, facilities should be kept clean, covered, and never exposed to the elements.  However, pest control measures need to be established, such as adhering to acceptable grain moisture content levels at storage to deter insect infestation, as pests (rodents, insects, etc.) can devastate grains in storage. Physical storage options are built to meet the demand and supply of grains season-to-season and to make seeds available for the next planting season.

Technical Application

To effectively implement Physical Storage Options:

  • Step 1: When making a choice of which storage option to choose, farmers must consider the type of crop to be stored, storage requirements of the crop and the form in which the crop must be stored (for 0-6months/3-12months).
  • Step 2: Grains must be stored in a dry place with a constant temperature.
  • Step 3: Crops should be dried and have low moisture content prior to storage.
  • Step 4: Airtight containers should be used to avoid insect infestation.
  • Step 5: Based on farmer resources and time of storage, there are a number of containers that can be utilised to store harvested crops including metal silos, polythene sacks (that can be layered), mud silos, plastic bags.
  • Step 6: As a last measure, insecticides in the form of a powder can be applied to harvested crops. The powder comes in pre-measured packets and are low dosage so generally safe to handle. Information is provided on each packet and should be read before integrating it into the crop. Grain needs to be cleaned before consumption.
Return on Investment Realisation Period
Crop Production
Fodder Production
Farm Income
Household Workload
Food Security
Soil Quality/Cover
Biological Diversity
Crop/Livestock Water Availability
Wind Protection
Erosion Control
Increase Production
Reduces losses during storage.
Increase Resilience
Storage that is protected from flooding, extreme rain and heat will protect grain. Potential to store until prices are higher and increase income.
Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions
More efficient use of resources.
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Benefits and Drawbacks


  • Storage options can support food security and assist farmers respond to supply and demand, leveraging favourable market prices and conditions.
  • Suitable for short- and long-term storage.


  • Uncontrolled grain moisture may lead to insect infestation and loss in grain.
  • Insect fumigation may contaminate grains.

Drying Techniques

Value Chain
Annual Average Rainfall
Climatic Zone
Decision Making
Farming Characteristics
Labour Intensity
Initial Investment
Maintenance Costs
Access to Finance/Credit
Extension Support Required
Access to Inputs
Access to Markets
Gender/Youth Smart

Drying techniques are agricultural practices applied to assist with the balance of moisture in grains post-harvest, determined by a combination of ambient temperature and relative humidity. Spoiling due to insufficiently dried grain is one of the main causes of grain deterioration, loss in grain quality, and thus market value. Grains have the capability to absorb or evaporate moisture, and a balance of moisture content in the air and grains should be sought to achieve an Equilibrium Moisture Content (EMC). EMC prevents the formation of moulds that may affect the quality of grains, spread of pests and germination of grain seeds. After harvest, transportation and threshing, grain needs to be further dried to be preserved. Natural drying techniques are based on ambient air circulation to reduce the moisture content of the grain before storage. Artificial drying techniques apply fans and/or heating elements to move air and maintain constant temperatures .Natural drying (sun drying) is the preferred, commonly used agricultural technique in southern Africa and does not require use of machinery. Drying techniques preserve the contents of seeds thus assuring sustainable agricultural productivity and the practice as climate smart.

Technical Application

To effectively implement Drying Technique practices:

  • Step 1: Harvest crops.
  • Step 2: Consider the number of different crops that need to be dried.
  • Step 3: Dry the crops naturally using air temperature or direct sunlight or artificial drying through using fans or other mechanical means.
  • Step 4: Never place crops directly on the soil but rather on a cement area, woven mats or a layer of sacks.
  • Step 4: Livestock should be kept away from drying grains to prevent contamination and loss.
  • Step 5: Farmers should consult storage life charts that will help determine dry crop characteristics and approximate times for drying.
  • Step 6: Cover all drying grain at night to prevent loss or damage.
  • Step 7: Sorghum should be left on the seed, maize should be de-husked and left on the cob, grain and pulses are normally left in their pods.
  • Step 8: Monitor the stored grain by checking at least every two weeks.
Return on Investment Realisation Period
Crop Production
Fodder Production
Farm Income
Household Workload
Food Security
Soil Quality/Cover
Biological Diversity
Crop/Livestock Water Availability
Wind Protection
Erosion Control
Increase Production
Reduces potential losses of ripened grain.
Increase Resilience
More grain of a higher quality to consume and sell.
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Benefits and Drawbacks


  • Prevents loss in grain quality.
  • Outside on a flat surface, drying system costs less.
  • The drying crib system can be used for many years.
  • Forced air/hot air dryer systems are not weather dependent.


  • Imbalanced EMC leads to low quality seed, possible mould/decay and possible germination of grain seeds.
  • The natural drying technique is not suitable for humid climates as EMC is difficult to achieve without artificial drying.

Changing Harvest Time

Value Chain
Climatic Zone
Decision Making
Farming Characteristics
Labour Intensity
Initial Investment
Maintenance Costs
Access to Finance/Credit
Extension Support Required
Access to Inputs
Access to Markets
Gender/Youth Smart

Changing harvest time refers to adjusting harvest time to focus on optimal moisture conditions, thereby avoiding losses from mould, decay and possible disease, while also considering optimal maturity of the crop. This approach encourages the reduction in potential losses of ripened grain and increases potential higher quality grain for consumption or market. Harvesting of crops when physiologically mature can minimise losses during transportation to the homestead. Physiological harvesting refers to the time when a grain (fruit, etc.) can be separated from its parent plant and continues to ripen over time. Farmers should consider planting earlier or later or consider planting faster or slower maturing varieties to avoid issues of post-harvest loss. This is a climate smart practice because it reduces potential losses of ripened grain, increase the quality of grain harvested, and is overall a more efficient use of resources, all while mitigating the spread of diseases and reducing GHG emissions.

Technical Application

To effectively implement Changing Harvest Time practices:

  • Step 1: Consider researching recent rainfall records and consult national meteorological services to as accurately predict start of rainy season as possible.
  • Step 2: Farmers should consult data provided by the African Post Harvest Loss Information System (APHLIS), which provides information on harvest loss and additional resources to consult.
  • Step 3: Consult with national agricultural extension and research to determine growing periods of chosen crops. Request information about quicker or slower maturing seeds.
  • Step 4: Plant crops at the right time so as to avoid harvesting during rainy season.
  • Step 5: Harvest as soon as crops are physiologically mature.
  • Step 6: Wait 24 hours after a rain period to harvest if rain is unavoidable. This may take several days, however, harvesting crops after one rain is better than leaving it for an entire rainy season.
  • Step 7: Crops should be transported to the storage for immediate drying.
Return on Investment Realisation Period
Crop Production
Fodder Production
Farm Income
Household Workload
Food Security
Soil Quality/Cover
Biological Diversity
Crop/Livestock Water Availability
Wind Protection
Erosion Control
Increase Production
Reduces potential losses of ripened grain.
Increase Resilience
More grain of a higher quality to consume and sell.
Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions
More efficient use of resources.
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Benefits and Drawbacks


  • Reduces the potential loss of ripened grain and increases potential higher quality grain for consumption or market.
  • It improves crop production, food security and farm income.


  • Moisture from rainfall at harvest time can risk crop degradation post-harvest, due to mould, decay and disease.
  • Different crops have different growing seasons, and this should be known and monitored constantly, specifically as climate change has been shown to alter growing seasons, which will in turn impact harvesting times.

Best Practice Harvesting Techniques

Value Chain
Climatic Zone
Decision Making
Farming Characteristics
Labour Intensity
Initial Investment
Maintenance Costs
Access to Finance/Credit
Extension Support Required
Access to Inputs
Access to Markets
Gender/Youth Smart

Best Practice Harvesting Techniques are formalised harvesting practices intended to reduce breakage and bruising of crops during collection and storage. These techniques minimise harvest losses and maintain the quality of the produce. To maximise this approach, factors such as moisture content, cleanness of the grain, colour, odour and potential pest infestation need to be considered during harvest periods. Considering each of these factors will increase grain value as quality standards are directly related to grain price. Harvesting can be performed manually or mechanically, with obvious cost implication of employing the latter.

Technical Application

To effectively implement Best Practice Harvesting Techniques:

  • Step 1: Obtain equipment and supplies needed for the harvest and post-harvest activities, e.g. clean sacks, drying mats, etc.
  • Step 2: Allocate drying and threshing areas, ensuring the areas are swept, dry, and there is no/limited access for livestock or rodents. If in a dry climate or season, drying outside is optimal. If necessary, construct drying cribs elevated from the ground with rodent guards on legs can reduce access for rodents.
  • Step 3: Allocate sufficient storage space for the harvested crop.
  • Step 4: Clear weeds from the farm to prevent weed seeds from contaminating the harvest.
  • Step 5: Place the harvested crop directly onto clean mats and bags to avoid contact with the soil, which may lead to moisture uptake and also prevent contamination with tiny Striga.
Return on Investment Realisation Period
Crop Production
Fodder Production
Farm Income
Household Workload
Food Security
Soil Quality/Cover
Biological Diversity
Crop/Livestock Water Availability
Wind Protection
Erosion Control
Increase Production
Reduces potential losses of ripened grain.
Increase Resilience
More grain of a higher quality to consume and sell.
Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions
More efficient use of resources.
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Benefits and Drawbacks


  • Best practice harvesting techniques improve grain quality and minimise post-harvest loses.


  • Lodging can cause significant losses as well as contamination.

Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration

Value Chain
Climatic Zone
Water Source
Decision Making
Farming Characteristics
Labour Intensity
Initial Investment
Maintenance Costs
Access to Finance/Credit
Extension Support Required
Access to Inputs
Access to Markets
Gender/Youth Smart

Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) is a technique of restoring degraded land and monitoring restoration of the land involving the systematic regeneration and management of trees and shrubs from tree stumps, roots and seed. Degraded arid land often features left over indigenous plants, which if maintained and promoted to grow can improve pasture and crop lands while simultaneously encouraging re-growth of seeds, roots and shrubs. Key to this practice is the existence of living stumps, tree roots and seed that, if encouraged, will regrow. The land is protected from being completely cleared or further grazed and this allows trees to grow without disturbance. Once the stumps and trees start to grow, pruning and trimming of trees is required to allow space between trees and promote healthy long tree trunks. Once the trees have matured, intercropping can take place or livestock can be re-introduced to graze.

While requiring some investment in terms of effort, FMNR has climate smart advantages such as controlling rainfall/irrigation run-off, supporting water quality improvements, providing sources of timber or fodder, supporting habitant regeneration for pollinator insect species, acting as sun shade, and reducing soil erosion.

Technical Application

To effectively implement Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration:

  • Step 1: Degraded land needs to be identified and living stumps, roots and seeds need to be encouraged to regrow. This may include periodic watering. Focus should be on indigenous species, and present tree species (existing stumps).
  • Step 2: Consider leaving the field un-grazed to promote tree growth.
  • Step 3: Select tree stumps and the tallest and straightest stems to grow into trees.
  • Step 4: Prune and manage by removing stems and unwanted side branches.
  • Step 5: Maintain the process by occasionally pruning side branches.
  • Step 6: Manage the land consistently to avoid overgrazing, which can lead to further degradation.
  • Step 7: Consider rotational grazing to allow seeds, stumps and underground shrubs to re-grow. This will reduce the cost of replanting. Shrubs and growing trees and saplings need to be protected before introducing livestock. Shrubs and growing trees and saplings need to be protected before introducing livestock.
Return on Investment Realisation Period
Crop Production
Fodder Production
Farm Income
Household Workload
Food Security
Soil Quality/Cover
Biological Diversity
Crop/Livestock Water Availability
Wind Protection
Erosion Control
Increase Production
Increase availability of biomass, which improves soil fertility and thus production. The trees/shrubs can be a source of income and reduce costs.
Increase Resilience
Reduces erosion of soil and evaporation. Increases water retention and infiltration. Diversifies income sources. Improves yield stability.
Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Locks more carbon in plants and in soil.
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Benefits and Drawbacks


  • FMNR improves soil quality and reduces soil erosion.
  • Improved dry-season pasture.
  • Agricultural management practices such as pruning, and trimming are carried out appropriately in turn improving growth and air circulation.
  • Higher livestock productivity.
  • Provides protection from wind and shade for livestock, when introduced.
  • Increased availability of firewood, thatch and other non-timber forest-products/materials.


  • The land needs to be managed consistently to avoid overgrazing.

Boundary Planting

Climatic Zone
Decision Making
Farming Characteristics
Labour Intensity
Initial Investment
Maintenance Costs
Access to Finance/Credit
Extension Support Required
Access to Inputs
Access to Markets
Gender/Youth Smart

Boundary planting, also known as live fence planting, is a technique used to protect crops from the interference of people and animals that can disturb plant growth. Trees/shrubs are a good example of this approach as they can form a shield when planted along the boundaries of the garden or surrounding a planted field. The trees/shrubs act as wind break to shield plants against strong winds causing physical damage to plants themselves, or the removal of soil (erosion). Additional benefits include the use of branches for firewood or building materials, and the other parts of trees can be used as fodder, fruit or leave harvested for consumption, or for medicinal use. Tree/shrub spacing is critical, as trees that have dense canopies can conversely cause destructive down-drafts, negating the intended benefits. Boundary planting helps limit global warming by mitigating GHG emissions through reducing harmful gases such as, carbon dioxide, from the atmosphere and releasing oxygen.

Technical Application

To effectively implement Boundary Planting practices:

  • Step 1: Plant long lines of two fast growing trees, Caesalpinia velutina trees, between a Bombacopsis quinate and a Swietenia humilis to be replaced over time.
  • Step 2: Consider planting the boundary trees 1.5 metres apart along pre-existing fences.
  • Step 3: Attach metal fencing to the trees to support the large trees without endangering their growth. Harvest fodder when the tree is overgrown.
  • Step 4: Prune lower brunches to encourage upward growth of trees and reduce shed on the plants.
Return on Investment Realisation Period
Crop Production
Fodder Production
Farm Income
Household Workload
Food Security
Soil Quality/Cover
Biological Diversity
Crop/Livestock Water Availability
Wind Protection
Erosion Control
Increase Production
Increases availability of tree shrub products (nuts, fruits, timber etc.) and biomass, which improves soil fertility, and thus production.
Increase Resilience
Reduces erosion of soil and evaporation. Increases water retention and infiltration. Diversifies income sources. Improves yield stability.
Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Locks more carbon in plants and in the soil.
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Benefits and Drawbacks


  • Live fence planting is cost effective, conserves soil moisture, acts a windbreak and reduces soil erosion. These trees have various benefits such as medicinal use, mulch, livestock feeds, fruits, bee forage, timber and firewood.
  • Maintenance of boundary trees is low with short, medium and long ecological and economic benefits.


  • Boundary planting occupies more land than a single row.

Alternate Wetting and Drying

Value Chain
Annual Average Rainfall
Climatic Zone
Water Source
Altitudinal Zone
Decision Making
Farming Characteristics
Labour Intensity
Initial Investment
Maintenance Costs
Access to Finance/Credit
Extension Support Required
Access to Inputs
Access to Markets
Gender/Youth Smart

Alternate wetting and drying also called intermittent flooding is a technique developed by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) to control water consumption in rice fields (CGIAR 2014). This technology saves water throughout the year in areas of variable rainfall. It is designed as a pick-up water system in cases when water consumption is cut. Water levels are monitored and controlled by the removal of excess water, leaving enough water to sustain crops. Alternate wetting and drying reduces greenhouse gas emissions especially methane, which is emitted from flooded rice fields (FAO 2016). The drying phase helps to sustain and develop plant roots. Moreover, costs on fuel used for irrigation are reduced.

Technical Application

To effectively implement Alternate Wetting and Drying practices:

  • Step 1: Alternate wetting and drying should be considered by the farmer after two weeks of rice transplant.
  • Step 2: The farmer should consider digging half of 30 cm tube into soil to monitor water level.
  • Step 3: When the water level is 15 cm below the soil surface the field should be irrigated again with a depth of 3 to 5 cm before water drains.
  • Step 4: This cycle should be repeated until flowering stage to avoid disturbing reproduction because at this stage the crops are sensitive to water stress.
Return on Investment Realisation Period
Crop Production
Fodder Production
Farm Income
Household Workload
Food Security
Soil Quality/Cover
Biological Diversity
Crop/Livestock Water Availability
Wind Protection
Erosion Control
Increase Production
Cost of production reduced through less use of water.
Increase Resilience
Maintain production with reduced inputs. Predictable yields.
Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions
May reduce GHG emissions from irrigation pumps.
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Benefits and Drawbacks


  • Alternate wetting and drying maintains rice yields in areas with variable rainfall/irrigation water supply.
  • Reduces greenhouse gas emission such as methane.
  • The technology can be carried out in regions prone to heavy rainfall.


  • Water levels need to be monitored carefully to avoid water stress which might decrease yield.
  • Not recommended in areas with potential salinity stress as reduced water inputs might aggravate salinity levels and cause yield decline.

Zai Pits

Value Chain
Annual Average Rainfall
Climatic Zone
Water Source
Decision Making
Farming Characteristics
Labour Intensity
Initial Investment
Maintenance Costs
Access to Finance/Credit
Extension Support Required
Access to Inputs
Access to Markets
Gender/Youth Smart

Zai pits are based on a traditional technology approach originating from West Africa that assists farmers working on marginal and degraded land. This approach involves the concentration and conservation of nutrients and water at the crop root systems through the digging of small pits (Zai pits) and filling them with compost, with the aim of increasing soil fertility and water infiltration. Zai pits are dug between planting season and filled with organic fertilisers/composts, which attract worms, termites and other insects, creating mix of material that can be used to fertilise crops. Farmers plant crops directly in these pits, prior to rains and water will infiltrate the pits more easily than the surrounding soil. Applying this technology is laborious to implement, but it  has been found to assist farmers in times of drought or in arid conditions to produce successful crops by maximising the resources available. Zai pits allow for mitigation of desertification in degraded land and an economic use of resources in conditions of scarcity, especially in resource constrained environments

Technical Application

To effectively implement Zai Pits the following should be carried out:

  • Step 1: Zai pits should be dug with a diameter of 30 cm to 40 cm and 10 cm to 15 cm deep. 
  • Step 2: Pits should be spaced 70 cm to 80 cm apart resulting in approximately 10,000 pits per hectare.
  • Step 3: The farmer should place 2 – 3 handfuls (200 g to 600 g) of organic fertilisers or compost in each pit.
  • Step 4: Holes that are dug between planting seasons will trap wind eroded soils, which are fertile and form good soils for plating crops.
  • Step 5: It is recommended that 3 tonnes of fertiliser/compost per hectare be available.
  • Step 6: Farmers should consider planting crops in these pits prior to periods of rain.
  • Step 7: Repeated application of Zai pit technology on an annual basis will increase productivity of degraded land in the long term.
Return on Investment Realisation Period
Crop Production
Fodder Production
Farm Income
Household Workload
Food Security
Soil Quality/Cover
Biological Diversity
Crop/Livestock Water Availability
Wind Protection
Erosion Control
Increase Production
Increased soil fertility from zai pit implementation improves agricultural productivity.
Increase Resilience
This approach to fertilising crops and enhancing nutrient content can aid adaptation, especially in arid and semi-arid climates.
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Benefits and Drawbacks


  • Earth that is excavated from the hole dug can be used to form a ridge around each pit to help capture and retain water.
  • Zai pit technology can be applied to marginal or degraded land or in semi-arid to arid conditions to allow farmers to rehabilitate soil/land and productively grow crops.
  • Zai pits allow for nutrient concentration and water infiltration that provides improved conditions for crops to grow.
  • Land that was previously degraded can become productive through the use of zai pits.


  • Implementing zai pits is laborious and takes significant people power to implement – but may be the only option in marginal environments.
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