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Agricultural productivity and food and nutrition security
Agricultural productivity is far below potential in Southern Africa and the sub-region as a whole suffers from periodic food deficits and…
Capacity Strengthening of CCARDESA and AR4D Institutions
The generation of appropriate technology and its dissemination is essential to ensure increased agricultural productivity. However, this requires…
Commercialisation of the Agricultural Sector and Market Access
Some of the key constraints to increased smallholder crop productivity in Southern Africa include:Limited access to agricultural inputsLimited…
Knowledge and Information Management, Communication and Policy Support
Generation of appropriate technology is one of the essential enabling conditions to ensuring increased agricultural productivity. More effective…
Resilience to Emerging Agricultural Risks: Environmental, Climate Change and Transboundary Pests and Diseases
CCARDESA in its endeavor to support the national agricultural research and innovation system has a key role to play as a critical link between…
Women, Youth, and Social Inclusion
CCARDESA has included gender and youth among the list of important cross-cutting issues that influence agricultural productivity in terms of farmer…

Funding Partners


Beneficiaries Reached


Farmers Trained


Number of Value Chain Actors Accessing CSA


Lead Farmers Supported