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Vaccination Campaigns

Value Chain
Climatic Zone
Decision Making
Farming Characteristics
Labour Intensity
Initial Investment
Maintenance Costs
Access to Finance/Credit
Extension Support Required
Access to Inputs
Access to Markets
Gender/Youth Smart

Vaccination is the administration of immunisation injections to animals in order to prevent, control spread of diseases.  Vaccination campaigns involve administration of vaccine doses to a large population over a short period of time. The veterinary services departments or equivalent of respective countries normally gives free vaccinations to the farming community's animals for diseases which are of either economic significance to people's livelihoods or those that maybe of zoonotic importance (communicable to man from animals). These campaigns are usually fully funded by the government, NGOs to reduce disease outbreaks, prevent spread of an outbreak or improve national herd productivity, and are designed to reach as much livestock as possible. In most countries, free vaccinations are offer for the following diseases: Anthrax(-Cattle), Quarter evil or black quarter disease (Cattle), Contagious abortion (Cattle), Rabies (Dogs & Cats), Foot and Mouth Disease(Cattle)_ as per OIE designation in Disease Control Zones.

 For the message to reach farmers, community radios and involvement of traditional leadership can be used to encourage farmers to participate in vaccination campaigns.  This will help to gain trust and confidence from farmers for the campaign to be successful. Vaccination campaigns is a climate smart practice as it ensures a healthy population able to utilize feed efficiently with a reduced population discharge thus reduced GHG emission.

Technical Application

To effectively implement vaccination campaigns:

  • Step 1: Networks that notify farmers about upcoming vaccination campaigns must be established to promote the significance of vaccinating animals across the country. This can be promoted through government bulletins and community radio, utilising extension networks, village level administration, and traditional leadership.
  • Step 2: Vaccination parks for cattle can be set up by veterinary officials to restrain livestock movement that might increase disease spreading.
  • Step 3: Goats and sheep can be vaccinated at their locations where officials will move from one village to another to reach more population.
  • Step 4: Training of personnel is important to ensure that vaccination is carried out before seasonal outbreaks and prevent the spread of disease.
  • Step 5: Commence campaigns one month prior to the season when outbreaks are most common or upon notice of a disease incidence.
Return on Investment Realisation Period
Crop Production
Fodder Production
Farm Income
Household Workload
Food Security
Soil Quality/Cover
Biological Diversity
Crop/Livestock Water Availability
Wind Protection
Erosion Control
Increase Production
Reduces incidence of disease results in healthier, more productive animals.
Increase Resilience
Reduces risk of secondary infections in livestock. Sale of livestock is a common coping strategy so having more/better livestock to sell increases resilience.
Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Livestock population with a potential for more efficient conversion of feed into meat/diary which can reduce emissions per unit production.
Additional Information
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Benefits and Drawbacks


  • The objectives of vaccination campaigns are to reduce the number of animals that are affected by disease outbreaks and prevent treatable diseases from reducing national herd population which may affect farm income.
  • Awareness must be established in order to gain farmers trust and involvement for the campaign to be successful.


  • No 100% guarantee of protection of animals/birds.
  • Postpone vaccination campaigns if an outbreak is in progress.
  • For ring vaccinations upon outbreaks, proper delineation of the perimeter is important.

Rotational Grazing

Value Chain
Climatic Zone
Water Source
Decision Making
Farming Characteristics
Labour Intensity
Initial Investment
Maintenance Costs
Access to Finance/Credit
Extension Support Required
Access to Inputs
Access to Markets
Gender/Youth Smart

Rotational grazing is a practice of moving livestock between different units of pasture in regular sequence to allow the recovery and regrowth of pasture plants after grazing. This facilitates management of the nutritional needs of the various types of livestock whilst maintaining pasture productivity. Management of intensive grazing/controlled grazing is a climate smart practice as it results in improved forage harvest, soil fertility, resistance to drought, reduced pasture weeds establishment, reduced wastage of forage and soil compaction.

Rotational grazing can also be combined with cut and carry approaches - when managed correctly; rotational grazing can provide enough forage growth early in the grazing season for producers to harvest feed for later use in some paddocks as rotation continues. Farmers can use temporary fence systems to manage the size of, and access to pastures.

Technical Application

To effectively carry out rotational grazing practices:

  • Step 1: Plan livestock grazing system, based on livestock types, stocking density, pasture crop hardiness and production, rainfall, soils and available alternative pasture fields and space, focusing on the nutritional and forage needs of the animals.
  • Step 2: Use temporary electric fence systems to manage the size of the paddock.
  • Step 3: Move livestock between paddocks every set number of days (two days; one week; one month).
  • Step 4: Assess forage quality and quantity, regulating the acreage of access and control by implementing the electric fence system, which uses electrified fencing to determine which parts of the pasture that the livestock will access.
  • Step 5: Monitoring efficacy of the system, changing rotation periods and extend recovery time for grazed land, if land becomes degraded.
Return on Investment Realisation Period
Crop Production
Fodder Production
Farm Income
Household Workload
Food Security
Soil Quality/Cover
Biological Diversity
Crop/Livestock Water Availability
Wind Protection
Erosion Control
Increase Production
Increased and more productivity per unit area.
Increase Resilience
Gives land time to recover after grazing and hence, being more resilient to extremes.
Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Increases vegetation cover and soil organic matter and locks carbon.
Additional Information
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Benefits and Drawbacks


  • Controlled rotational grazing is an effective conservation practice to apply that improves animal management, increases soil fertility, forage productivity, and reduces soil nutrient depletion and soil erosion.


  • Appropriate land access is a issue, with farmers requiring substantial land or approval and agreement from the community to operationalise the approach.

Cut and Carry

Value Chain
Climatic Zone
Water Source
Decision Making
Farming Characteristics
Labour Intensity
Initial Investment
Maintenance Costs
Access to Finance/Credit
Extension Support Required
Access to Inputs
Access to Markets
Gender/Youth Smart

Cut and carry is the agricultural practice of cutting and carrying fodder crops away from the field that they are grown in to feed to livestock. Fodder trees, shrubs or grasses are sources for livestock feed in this practice. Cut and Carry is a key CSA practice where overgrazing is a problem. This practice takes pressure off grazing land at critical periods, reduces land degradation caused by livestock and increases soil organic matter, while still feeding livestock for productive outcomes. This practice can also be used in more intensive livestock production where livestock are kept housed for periods stretching from half a year to a year and improved nutrition is required. However, fodder production can be costly in terms of cultivation, requiring significant management over and above the livestock themselves. Fodder is collected from sites where it grows naturally, or it can be grown in fodder banks, hedges, boundaries, etc. Feeding livestock using this approach can ensure the supply of a large quantity of high quality and palatable fodder within a short time, as well ensuring soil is not disturbed through open grazing systems, thus a good CSA practice. It can be adapted to the farmer’s needs and can provide a way of introducing the farmer to the concept of improving livestock at the same time as conserving soil.

Technical Application

To effectively implement cut and carry systems:

  • Step 1: Cut and carry commences with the cutting of the crop.
  • Step 2: Cut crop when plants are fully mature (vegetative growth and plant sugars are at their peak). This ensures that protein, digestible energy and dry matter percentage are at their highest potential.
  • Step 3: Fodder can be fed directly or dried as hay or preserved as silage to conserve its value and be fed to livestock during the dry season or other critical times throughout the year.
Return on Investment Realisation Period
Crop Production
Fodder Production
Farm Income
Household Workload
Food Security
Soil Quality/Cover
Biological Diversity
Crop/Livestock Water Availability
Wind Protection
Erosion Control
Increase Production
Fodder can be harvested on multiple occasions during times of plenty and preserved for later, rather than leaving as standing hay.
Increase Resilience
Reduces pressure of grazing by limiting period livestock tread on land causing denudation at critical periods (with less cover).
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Benefits and Drawbacks


  • Improves fodder production and farm income.
  • Growing fodder crops in rainy seasons encourages fodder conservation for dry season feeding.
  • Can be combined with crop rotation and intercropping to form part of positive farm management practices.
  • Cut and carry can relieve pressure from pasture and grazing land, contributing to control of over-grazing, while improving soil quality.
  • Can create job opportunities and income generation for youth farmers.


  • The practice will require additional labour resources.
  • Can be costly in terms of management.
  • Farmers must have enough land to grow fodder on or have access to communal land.
  • Soil condition in the fodder fields must be carefully monitored to ensure that soil nutrients aren’t depleting.
  • Fodder storage must be monitored to ensure bacteria and mould do not affect the quality of feed.

Increased Palatability

Value Chain
Annual Average Rainfall
Climatic Zone
Water Source
Decision Making
Farming Characteristics
Labour Intensity
Initial Investment
Maintenance Costs
Access to Finance/Credit
Extension Support Required
Access to Inputs
Access to Markets
Gender/Youth Smart

Palatability - referring to plant features or conditions that encourage animals to feed on the plant when given a choice – is important as the ability or willingness of animals to feed on specific forage determines the efficiency of production of animal products. When feed is consumed in larger quantities, depending on its nutritive value, it helps increase milk and/or meat production. Plants with stiff and harsh leaves are generally not palatable to animals, unlike those with softer leaves and grass. The nutritive value of the plant matters when it comes to palatability. Palatability will be determined by the texture, aroma, succulence, hairiness, leaf percentage, sugar content and other factors. Moreover, leaves are more palatable than stems. Palatability of plants can be increased by grazing livestock at the optimal grass growing stage before seed formation, using a High Intensity, Low Frequency (HILF) grazing pattern which allows uniform grazing of pastures and gives an allowance for regrowth and thus overall, uniform soil cover. Addressing palatability is often of greater concern during dry season, when grazing/pasture is less common, and farmers have to rely on stored silage.

Technical Application

Traditional knowledge can also yield positive results in identifying sources of alternative dry season feeds, especially specific types of tree leaves and grasses. In mixed maize and livestock farming system, maize stovers can be utilised for more palatable feed supplements. To effectively improve palatability, the following steps should be carried out:

  • Step 1: Where possible, mix grazing species to include browsers and grazers for uniform pasture use. Mixing livestock will reduce overgrazing on certain plants or plant types, distributing grazing pressure. This is a preventative measure. Over-seeding can be used  to fill in bare patches in fields, improve the density of pasture, establish improved grass varieties and enhance your grass vigour. It’s an easy way to improve an existing old or worn out, diseased or insect prone pasture by planting of grass seed directly into existing pasture, without tearing up the pasture, or the soil.
  • Step 2: Speak to agricultural suppliers as palatability can be improved by enhancing the quality of the feed through addition of feed supplements.
  • Step 3: If using silage from high moisture crops, it may be worth exploring feed flavourants as they mask the odours and flavours of alcohol formed as plant material ferments. Natural flavourants can include garlic, anise and black cumin, but artificial flavours are also available. Ratios for addition to fodder is very low - 0.5 to 1.5 %.
  • Step 4: If using dry grass for feed, chopping and addition of molasses  and other concentrates can improve palatability of drier grasses; however, as it needs to be mixed with urea and water, guidance should be sought in terms of mix-ratios from a veterinarian to ensure that urea intake does not exceed recommended amounts.
Return on Investment Realisation Period
Crop Production
Fodder Production
Farm Income
Household Workload
Food Security
Soil Quality/Cover
Biological Diversity
Crop/Livestock Water Availability
Wind Protection
Erosion Control
Increase Production
Increasing palatability of feed increases consumption and as a result, production.
Increase Resilience
Identifying methods for increasing palatability enables farmers to broaden fodder options, which can support adaptation if normal feed stock is affected.
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Benefits and Drawbacks


  • Over-sowing increases forage quality and productivity.


  • Pasture palatability is affected by factors such as taste, smell and starch content.


Value Chain
Climatic Zone
Water Source
Decision Making
Farming Characteristics
Labour Intensity
Initial Investment
Maintenance Costs
Access to Finance/Credit
Extension Support Required
Access to Inputs
Access to Markets
Gender/Youth Smart

Fodder is the agricultural term for animal feed. Fodder trees and shrubs play an important role in bridging the gap between livestock feed requirements and the low quality and quantity of feeds available to many farmers. As well as providing feed or acting as a feed supplement for livestock, fodder trees and shrubs supply other benefits, such as firewood and erosion control. Fodder trees are either grown in-situ, from seed, and others are planted in nurseries and then transplanted to the field at the beginning of the rainy season. The transplanting method can be more successful than the direct planting - as high as 34 % better, but with a 24 % increase in cost per plant. Benefits of using fodder trees and shrubs as a dietary supplement include improved growth, health and reproductive capacity, and increased milk and meat production, mostly through increased protean uptake. Fodder trees and shrubs can be planted as living fences, field boundaries and in tree/shrub plantations. Popular species include African acacias, and Atriplex nummularia, Cassia petersiana, C. mopane, D. cineria, F. albida, Julbernadia paniculata, P. reclinata, Piliostigma thonningii, Swartizia madagascariensis and Trema orientalis.

Farmers of all categories can use this climate smart sustainable approach to produce both livestock and field crops to obtain improve benefits, improving nutrition for livestock animals, improving soil health, reducing cost of livestock feeding, and as a result increasing income

Technical Application

To effectively carry out fodder tree-shrub production using a nursery environment – a covered or exposed separate planting area, often close to the farm so saplings can be tended easily - consider the following steps:

  • Step 1: Identify one or more suitable species for fodder production, looking at suitable climatic, soil requirements, nutritional value and palatability, also considering source-plant (for cuttings) or seed availability.
  • Step 2: Take cuttings of up to *1 metre in length from mature trees, cutting at an angle. Cutting should be planted within three days, and if transported, cutting end should be covered in wax or petroleum jelly.
  • Step 3: Cuttings should be planted in 10 to 15 cm of soil either directly where they will grow or shallower in polythene planting cups.
  • Step 4: Fodder crops should be planted as the rainy starts, providing sufficient water and mobilising enough nutrients to assist rapid growth.
  • Step 5: Harvesting is again species specific*, and it is important to determine if drying prior to feeding, affects palatability or nutritional value.
  • Step 6: Harvesting frequency should also be determined independently*as plants mature to ensure sustainable production that does not stunt long-term growth and productivity.
  • Step 7: The farmer should consider how much fodder needs to be consumed immediately, how much dried as hay, and how much chopped and compressed to make silage.

Length of cutting, period prior to transplantation, and harvest quantities vary from species to species. Seek guidance from an agroforestry specialist or farmers that have experience with the process when selecting species, and how specifically to plant, manage and harvest fodder crops. An important element to understand is the volume of tree or shrub-based fodder each animal will require.

Return on Investment Realisation Period
Crop Production
Fodder Production
Farm Income
Household Workload
Food Security
Soil Quality/Cover
Biological Diversity
Crop/Livestock Water Availability
Wind Protection
Erosion Control
Increase Production
Higher meat and/or diary production per unit area of land.
Increase Resilience
Diversification of diet can mitigate the effects of drought on availability of fodder in pasture/ rangeland. Co-benefits in improving soil fertility and reducing erosion.
Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Woody shrubs and trees lock carbon.
Additional Information
  • Franzel, S., Carsan, S. Lukuyu, B, Sinja, J. Wambugu, C. 2014. Fodder trees for improving livestock productivity and smallholder livelihoods in Africa. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 6
  • World Agroforestry Centre, 2019. Fodder.
  • Smith, O.B. 1994. Feeding fodder from trees and shrubs: Better Farming Series No. 42. Food and Agriculture organisation of the United Nations. Rome, Italy.
  • Karanja G.M. and C.M. Wambugu 2004. Fodder Trees for More Milk and Cash. Ministry of Agriculture (Kenya)/Kenyan Agricultural Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Chakeredza, S., Hove, L., Akinnifesi, K.K., Franzel, S., Ajayim, O.C., and Sileshi, G., 2007.Managing fodder trees as a solution to human–livestock food conflicts and their contribution to income generation for smallholder farmers in southern Africa. Natural Resources Forum 31 286–296
  • Steven Franzel, S., Carsan, S., Lukuyu, B., Sinja, J. and Wambugu, C.2012. Fodder trees for improving livestock productivity and smallholder livelihoods in Africa. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 6.
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Benefits and Drawbacks


  • Fodder trees and shrubs can be highly beneficial sources of feed and nutrition for livestock, augmenting, or completely replacing traditional grazing.
  • Can be utilised when over-grazing has occurred, to allow range land to regenerate.
  • Fodder trees and shrubs add vital nutrients to the soil.
  • Fodder trees and shrubs can provide other benefits, including acting as living fences, and wind-breaks, as well as supplying firewood.
  • Crop rotation is important and fodder crops often act as nitrogen fixers (legumes) as well.
  • Fodder crops can also act as cover crops protecting and maintaining soil quality.


  • Growing fodder can be laborious.
  • The number of fodder trees and shrubs may be extensive, therefore sufficient land is required.
  • Not only does the gathering of fodder require additional labour, but the harvested crop also requires management.

Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration

Value Chain
Climatic Zone
Water Source
Decision Making
Farming Characteristics
Labour Intensity
Initial Investment
Maintenance Costs
Access to Finance/Credit
Extension Support Required
Access to Inputs
Access to Markets
Gender/Youth Smart

Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) is a technique of restoring degraded land and monitoring restoration of the land involving the systematic regeneration and management of trees and shrubs from tree stumps, roots and seed. Degraded arid land often features left over indigenous plants, which if maintained and promoted to grow can improve pasture and crop lands while simultaneously encouraging re-growth of seeds, roots and shrubs. Key to this practice is the existence of living stumps, tree roots and seed that, if encouraged, will regrow. The land is protected from being completely cleared or further grazed and this allows trees to grow without disturbance. Once the stumps and trees start to grow, pruning and trimming of trees is required to allow space between trees and promote healthy long tree trunks. Once the trees have matured, intercropping can take place or livestock can be re-introduced to graze.

While requiring some investment in terms of effort, FMNR has climate smart advantages such as controlling rainfall/irrigation run-off, supporting water quality improvements, providing sources of timber or fodder, supporting habitant regeneration for pollinator insect species, acting as sun shade, and reducing soil erosion.

Technical Application

To effectively implement Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration:

  • Step 1: Degraded land needs to be identified and living stumps, roots and seeds need to be encouraged to regrow. This may include periodic watering. Focus should be on indigenous species, and present tree species (existing stumps).
  • Step 2: Consider leaving the field un-grazed to promote tree growth.
  • Step 3: Select tree stumps and the tallest and straightest stems to grow into trees.
  • Step 4: Prune and manage by removing stems and unwanted side branches.
  • Step 5: Maintain the process by occasionally pruning side branches.
  • Step 6: Manage the land consistently to avoid overgrazing, which can lead to further degradation.
  • Step 7: Consider rotational grazing to allow seeds, stumps and underground shrubs to re-grow. This will reduce the cost of replanting. Shrubs and growing trees and saplings need to be protected before introducing livestock. Shrubs and growing trees and saplings need to be protected before introducing livestock.
Return on Investment Realisation Period
Crop Production
Fodder Production
Farm Income
Household Workload
Food Security
Soil Quality/Cover
Biological Diversity
Crop/Livestock Water Availability
Wind Protection
Erosion Control
Increase Production
Increase availability of biomass, which improves soil fertility and thus production. The trees/shrubs can be a source of income and reduce costs.
Increase Resilience
Reduces erosion of soil and evaporation. Increases water retention and infiltration. Diversifies income sources. Improves yield stability.
Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Locks more carbon in plants and in soil.
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Benefits and Drawbacks


  • FMNR improves soil quality and reduces soil erosion.
  • Improved dry-season pasture.
  • Agricultural management practices such as pruning, and trimming are carried out appropriately in turn improving growth and air circulation.
  • Higher livestock productivity.
  • Provides protection from wind and shade for livestock, when introduced.
  • Increased availability of firewood, thatch and other non-timber forest-products/materials.


  • The land needs to be managed consistently to avoid overgrazing.

System of Rice Intensification (SRI)

Value Chain
Annual Average Rainfall
Climatic Zone
Water Source
Altitudinal Zone
Decision Making
Farming Characteristics
Labour Intensity
Initial Investment
Maintenance Costs
Access to Finance/Credit
Extension Support Required
Access to Inputs
Access to Markets
Gender/Youth Smart

System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is an agro-ecological practice for increasing the productivity of irrigated rice cultivation by changing the management of water, plants, soil and nutrients. SRI promotes the growth of root systems, increases the abundance and diversity of soil organisms by keeping the soil moist but not flooded, and provides frequent aeration and conditioning of soil with organic matter. This agro-ecological practice stimulates plant growth by transplanting young seedlings, avoiding disturbance to roots and providing crops with wider spacing to encourage greater root and canopy growth. The agricultural methodology is based on well-founded agro-ecological principles which have been successfully adapted to upland rice and have shown increased productivity over current conventional planting practices.

Technical Application

To effectively implement SRI practices:

  • Step 1: Consider separation of high-quality seeds from low-quality seeds through soaking them in plain or salt water and the unviable seeds will float on the surface of the water.
  • Step 2: Plant the seeds on an unflooded, raised bed with adequate drainage and fertile soil.
  • Step 3: After 8-12 days, transplant single young seedlings into a grind pattern with wide spacing between hills (25 cm x 25 cm).
  • Step 4: During crop growth period, control the flooding and research and follow alternate wetting and drying irrigation practices.
  • Step 5: Consider application of compost and mineral fertiliser for nutrient enhancement.
  • Step 6: Use a mechanical weeder for the control of weeds and maximisation of soil aeration.
Return on Investment Realisation Period
Crop Production
Fodder Production
Farm Income
Household Workload
Food Security
Soil Quality/Cover
Biological Diversity
Crop/Livestock Water Availability
Wind Protection
Erosion Control
Increase Production
Reduced inputs for greater yield.
Increase Resilience
Predictable yields. Higher production equals increased food security/income and resilience..
Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions
May reduce GHG emissions from irrigation pumps.
Additional Information
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Benefits and Drawbacks


  • Increased and diversified crop yield resulting in increased farm income.
  • Improved food security.
  • SRI reduces GHG emissions.
  • Existing water availability patterns to accommodate the irrigation schedule.


  • SRI is a labour-intensive agricultural practice.
  • Occurrence of methane emissions from rice fields caused by flooding.

Alternate Wetting and Drying

Value Chain
Annual Average Rainfall
Climatic Zone
Water Source
Altitudinal Zone
Decision Making
Farming Characteristics
Labour Intensity
Initial Investment
Maintenance Costs
Access to Finance/Credit
Extension Support Required
Access to Inputs
Access to Markets
Gender/Youth Smart

Alternate wetting and drying also called intermittent flooding is a technique developed by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) to control water consumption in rice fields (CGIAR 2014). This technology saves water throughout the year in areas of variable rainfall. It is designed as a pick-up water system in cases when water consumption is cut. Water levels are monitored and controlled by the removal of excess water, leaving enough water to sustain crops. Alternate wetting and drying reduces greenhouse gas emissions especially methane, which is emitted from flooded rice fields (FAO 2016). The drying phase helps to sustain and develop plant roots. Moreover, costs on fuel used for irrigation are reduced.

Technical Application

To effectively implement Alternate Wetting and Drying practices:

  • Step 1: Alternate wetting and drying should be considered by the farmer after two weeks of rice transplant.
  • Step 2: The farmer should consider digging half of 30 cm tube into soil to monitor water level.
  • Step 3: When the water level is 15 cm below the soil surface the field should be irrigated again with a depth of 3 to 5 cm before water drains.
  • Step 4: This cycle should be repeated until flowering stage to avoid disturbing reproduction because at this stage the crops are sensitive to water stress.
Return on Investment Realisation Period
Crop Production
Fodder Production
Farm Income
Household Workload
Food Security
Soil Quality/Cover
Biological Diversity
Crop/Livestock Water Availability
Wind Protection
Erosion Control
Increase Production
Cost of production reduced through less use of water.
Increase Resilience
Maintain production with reduced inputs. Predictable yields.
Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions
May reduce GHG emissions from irrigation pumps.
Additional Information
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Benefits and Drawbacks


  • Alternate wetting and drying maintains rice yields in areas with variable rainfall/irrigation water supply.
  • Reduces greenhouse gas emission such as methane.
  • The technology can be carried out in regions prone to heavy rainfall.


  • Water levels need to be monitored carefully to avoid water stress which might decrease yield.
  • Not recommended in areas with potential salinity stress as reduced water inputs might aggravate salinity levels and cause yield decline.

Permeable Rock Dams

Value Chain
Annual Average Rainfall
Climatic Zone
Water Source
Decision Making
Farming Characteristics
Labour Intensity
Initial Investment
Maintenance Costs
Access to Finance/Credit
Extension Support Required
Access to Inputs
Access to Markets
Gender/Youth Smart

A permeable rock dam is a water harvesting technique where flooding rain water is collected in valley bases or other depressions to irrigate crops later/elsewhere, filling in gullies, controlling water flows, increasing crop production and reducing soil erosion.. Permeable rock dams are long and relatively shallow to reduce erosion while accumulating silt and distributing water. They comprise of long low rock walls with smooth crests so that water can spread to avoid overflow from the dam. However, this technology is site specific; it cannot be practiced in areas where there are no rocks/stones and means of transporting these building materials. The impoundment of silt prior to runoff entering a watercourse can be beneficiary to downstream users and can contribute to improved water quality in the catchment

Technical Application

To effectively implement Permeable Rock Dam practices, the following steps should be carried out:

  • Step 1: Consider constructing a permeable rock dam across relatively wide and shallow valleys.
  • Step 2: Permeable rock dams should consist of long, low rock walls with level crest along full length although farmers should consider central spillways where water course has cracks.
  • Step 3: The dam should be between 50-300m in length and 1m in height within a gully.
  • Step 4: Consider making the dam wall flatter on the downslope side than on the upslope side.
  • Step 5: A foundation of small stones should be set in the trench.
  • Step 6: An apron of large rocks is essential to split the erosive force of the overflow.
  • Step 7: Downstream banks of the water stream should be shielded by stone pitching to prohibit the increase of the gully.
Return on Investment Realisation Period
Crop Production
Fodder Production
Farm Income
Household Workload
Food Security
Soil Quality/Cover
Biological Diversity
Crop/Livestock Water Availability
Erosion Control
Increase Production
Supports agricultural productivity as soil structure is retained and provides access to more sustainable water supplies.
Increase Resilience
Supports adaptation strategies in climate changes scenarios with improved access to water for irrigation and reducing soil erosion.
Additional Information
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Benefits and Drawbacks


  • Permeable rock dams increase crop production.
  • Reduce soil erosion.
  • The system increases groundwater recharge.


  • The technology is site specific; should be on a site where rocks and stones are present.
  • Need for large quantities of stone.

Solar Irrigation

Value Chain
Annual Average Rainfall
Climatic Zone
Water Source
Decision Making
Farming Characteristics
Labour Intensity
Initial Investment
Maintenance Costs
Access to Finance/Credit
Extension Support Required
Access to Inputs
Access to Markets
Gender/Youth Smart

Solar irrigation systems utilise solar energy to pump water to fields and distribute it through drip irrigation or other systems. Solar irrigation is a low-emission agricultural technology that replaces fossil fuel irrigation pumps reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This approach has the potential to reduce energy costs for irrigation and provide energy independence in rural areas. It provides opportunities to increase productivity by shifting from rainfed to irrigated agriculture in some areas. Solar irrigation systems require intensive management and regular monitoring to ensure the sustainable use of water resources. It requires maintenance of solar panels and irrigation equipment but can quickly yield a positive return on investment. Solar irrigation can be implemented for crop irrigation and livestock watering schemes and can improve food security, produce high value crops for sale, reduce energy costs and drive rural development. Although an expensive technology, solar irrigation can introduce significant operational savings if managed and maintained appropriately. It is considered a climate smart option as it can increase productivity, enable farms to adapt t climate changes and improve resilience, and the use of solar power reduces the use of on-grid, or diesel generator power, reducing emissions.

Technical Application

To effectively implement solar irrigation:

  • Step 1: To determine the solar pump system Crop water requirements, location, water sources etc. Do required research. Is water sourced from an above ground or below ground source?
  • Step 2: Source required materials to implement a solar irrigation system from regional or international suppliers including:
    • Photovoltaic (PV) panels to generate electricity (80-300 W system depending on context);
    • a structure to mount the panels;
    • a pump controller;
    • a surface or submersible water pump; and
    • a distribution system or storage tank for water.
  • Step 3: Identify funding sources as initial costs, as well as maintenance costs, must be considered and modelled prior to purchasing a system. There are regional and international solar irrigation producers.   These costs differ dramatically given the complexity of the context, starting at costs approximately USD $2,400 for equipment only. If drilling is necessary the cost increases significantly depending on depth, substrate etc.  Community-based investment, micro-leasing and rental services can be possible funding models to explore.
  • Step 4: Determine whether there is sufficient solar irradiation for the proposed area – consult and specialist; and/or the national meteorological service.
  • Step 5: Identify area suitable to install solar panels. The area should be easily accessible, and all trees/bush should be cleared. To determine most appropriate site and angle of panels, etc, consult an expert.
  • Step 6: The availability of technical expertise must be considered before implementation to ensure that any technical issues do not result in long period of service disruption.

Maintenance costs and expertise should be considered before installing solar irrigation systems. A detailed cost benefit analysis is advisable. Other key technical considerations include: Legal permits to extract water from the source as water extraction may impact community watershed levels.

Return on Investment Realisation Period
Crop Production
Fodder Production
Farm Income
Household Workload
Food Security
Soil Quality/Cover
Biological Diversity
Crop/Livestock Water Availability
Wind Protection
Erosion Control
Increase Production
Plants get enough water. Potential for two or more cropping seasons per year.
Increase Resilience
Predictable yields. Higher production equals increased food security/income and resilience.
Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Significant reductions in CO2 emissions compared to grid and diesel-fuelled systems.
Additional Information
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Benefits and Drawbacks


  • Energy independence will introduce significant cost savings for farmers.
  • Solar powered irrigation can significantly boost productivity, due to increased ability to sustainably irrigate crops.
  • Consistent irrigation can help to mitigate climate impacts, and aid adaptation.
  • Reduces operational costs for diesel or on-grid power to pump water.
  • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions.


  • Solar irrigation is expensive to implement and there are costs for maintenance. Therefore, savings or access to credit will be required.
  • Access to solar equipment, spares and parts, and the transportation of the above may be complicated and/or expensive.
  • Over and above cost and access technology, other issues such as access to land and water sources are important factors.
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