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Event Type
Other Events
Event date and time
Jan 28, 2019 - Feb 01, 2019

The Agriculture for Food Security 2030 (AgriFoSe2030) programme, a Swedish initiative, will conduct a training course for young African researchers on effective research-to-policy interaction for agricultural development. This course is a collaboration between AgriFoSe20130 and the Gotherburg Center for Sustainable Development (GMVO) at the University of Gothernbrug and Chalmers Univeristy of Technology in Sweden.

Location: Nairobi, Kenya

Application Deadline: 28 September 2018

Course Objectives

The objectives of the short training course are to:

1. Enhance understanding of the policy and practice landscape, research policy linkages and different models for engagement and knowledge exchange;

2. Equip young researchers with hands-on tools and skills for effective research-to-policy communication;

3. Share experiences and lessons on best practices in communicating research outputs;

4. Strengthen national networks for policy influence in African agriculture.

Course Structure

The course will be interactive and incorporate practical exercises with both individual and group work. The course consists of three parts:

1. Three-day general course to enhance the understanding of research-policy linkages, models for policy engagement and hands-on tools for research-to-policy communication

2. One-day specialization in either (i) Social and economic dimensions of smallholder based agriculture and food security or (ii) Multifunctional landscapes for increased food security

3. One-day workshop consisting of policymaker and practitioner engagement and stocktaking of regional initiatives regarding science to policy actions for agricultural development.

The course is open to 30 young researchers working on agriculture and food security. Fifteen places will be available for the specialization in “Socio-economic dimensions” and 15 places are allocated to the specialization in “Multifunctional landscapes”. We strive for equal gender participation and therefore encourage female researchers to apply. The course will be held from 28 Jan - 1 Feb 2019 in Nairobi, Kenya. The course is free of charge. Travel, lodging and meals will be covered by the AgriFoSe2030 programme.

For more information contact:

Cherly Sjöström, PhD in Sustainability Science
Research/Project Coordinator AgriFoSe2030

Funding Partners


Beneficiaries Reached


Farmers Trained


Number of Value Chain Actors Accessing CSA


Lead Farmers Supported