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Dec 12, 2023

By Happy Mulolani

To strengthen data capture and knowledge sharing, the Centre For Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development (CCARDESA) through its CAADP-XP4 Programme validated a Table Booklet of Success Stories. The CAADP-XP4 is funded by the European Union and implemented by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The workshop was held at the Holiday Inn in Johannesburg from 6th to 7th December 2023.

With this opportunity, CCARDESA partnered with the Southern Africa Research and Documentation Centre (SARDC) to fulfill the goal of developing a Table booklet of success stories and sharing them with the world.

Speaking during a two-day momentous occasion of validating the CCARDESA Table Booklet of Success Stories in South Africa, which drew participants from all 16 Southern African Development Community (SADC) member states, Professor Cliff Dlamini explained that CCARDESA strongly believes in effectively capturing and sharing knowledge, which has been discovered, synthesized, then disseminate to the public through appropriately designed knowledge products.

Professor Dlamini appreciated the strong collaboration with diverse partners in the agriculture sector to ensure farmers and the public are well informed on various interventions.

“Through our diverse projects, which have significantly contributed to coordinating agricultural research and development, we have witnessed remarkable successes,” he said.

And SARDC Senior Researcher and Writer Joseph Ngwawi explained a number of success stories were developed for the CCARDESA Table Booklet on account of the programme’s thematic areas.

Mr Ngwawi urged stakeholders to offer their constructive criticism and insights to sculpt a Table Booklet that will stand the test of time, as they participate in the validation process and concretize the final knowledge product.

"Ms. Felista Mpore, a workshop attendee from Tanzania and a featured subject in one of the stories under review, expressed profound gratitude for the opportunity to participate in the CCARDESA initiative. “It's a privilege to be part of this meeting. My aspiration is to become a globally recognized and knowledgeable farmer, specializing in grape, tomato, and pepper cultivation. CCARDESA has opened the door for me to realize this dream,” she shared enthusiastically.

The workshop saw a comprehensive review and validation of 16 inspiring stories by seasoned experts. These narratives showcased the diverse and impactful work within the CCARDESA's thematic focus areas. The event concluded on a high note, with participants expressing a sense of accomplishment and optimism. They recognized the potential of these success stories to make a significant and lasting contribution to the agricultural and developmental sectors.

"The Author is an Agricultural Information Officer at the National Agriculture Information Services (NAIS) in Zambia and also a TFCAs correspondent for CCARDESA.






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