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Oct 01, 2022

Scientists implementing Research and Development (R&D) sub-projects under the Agricultural Productivity Programme for Southern Africa (APPSA) in the Republic of Angola, have been trained on how to develop communication products to promote technologies being generated and/or disseminated at country level. The training was held on the 27th and 28th of September 2022, in Malange Province, Angola, in an initiative led by the Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA) in collaboration with the local APPSA Project Implementation Unit (PIU).

This training was officiated and closed by the Director of Agriculture in Malange Province, Mr Carlos Chipoia and the Director General for the main country agricultural research institution, the Instituto de Investigação Agronómica (IIA), Dr João da Costa Ferreira Neto. Both leaders took the opportunity to commend the initiative, which assisted APPSA scientists to generate key publications to benefit farmers, extension services as well as fellow scientists.

“Research with no publications is no research at all, hence it is critical to provide scientists with adequate tools for knowledge sharing and exchange”, said Mr Chipoia. On the other hand, according to Dr Neto, the training came in the right moment as APPSA Angola is working towards dissemination of improved technologies. “We thank CCARDESA for availing themselves to come to Angola and conduct this critical training from which the provided templates will assist in the development of specific products which are going to contribute to fast-track dissemination activities”, added Dr Neto.

The two intensive training days brought together senior scientists mostly from IIA and some from the University Agostinho Neto. Through a hands-on approach, scientists were exposed to different communication techniques and tools including brochures and booklets on technologies and innovations. In addition, they were refreshed on scientific posters as well as description of technologies.

Essentially, this training was a platform to compile and outline critical communication products for future publication. Hence, at the end of the exercise, scientists successfully drafted: (a) Summaries of APPSA R&D sub-projects; (b) Compendium of technologies under development and dissemination; (c) Posters and Leaflets on APPSA R&D; and (d) R&D success stories.

In the same event, scientists were acquainted with the Communications Strategy for the Regional Centre of Leadership on Cassava and Cassava-based farming systems, which was developed with facilitation from CCARDESA. This document is aimed at assisting APPSA implementing countries to strengthen their project activities’ visibility as well as knowledge sharing and exchange both at country and regional levels.

APPSA is a six-year World Bank funded initiative with regional coordination by CCARDESA. The project is currently being implemented by Angola and Lesotho. It’s objective is to increase the availability of improved agricultural technologies in participating countries and in the SADC region. Angola is focusing on cassava-based farming systems, whereas Lesotho on horticulture-based farming systems.

Funding Partners


Beneficiaries Reached


Farmers Trained


Number of Value Chain Actors Accessing CSA


Lead Farmers Supported