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May 10, 2024

Thirty (30) farmers, including the chief and counselors from different areas in Mphosong, Leribe, were trained on conservation agriculture from the 15th to 19th April 2024. The training was part of activities planned for one APPSA sub-project titled: “Evaluation of trade-offs in Conservation Agriculture (CA) and Conventional Farming (CF) Practice Adoption for Improved Food Security and income” led by Dr Brian Muroyiwa. The farmers included twenty (20) females and ten (10) males. Co-Principal investigator, Ms Rethabile Nchee noted that the purpose of the training workshop was to equip the farmers with the skills, knowledge, and best practices of CA as a strategy to mitigate the effects of the climate change. The training workshop was officially opened by Mr Mothibeli Mofolisi who is an Extension Officer from Mahobong resources centre on behalf of the District Agricultural Officer. Mr Mofolisi expressed his gratitude to APPSA for making the training possible and pleaded with the farmers to take the training seriously and feel free to interact with the facilitators for better understanding. On-farm demonstrations of both CA and CF have been conducted in Mphosong where maize (ZM 523) and beans (NUA 45) are produced as part of the demonstrations. The farming community in Mphosong and the neighboring areas were involved in the demonstrations so they could witness the characteristics, benefits as well as the challenges of the two farming practices.

During the training workshop, the farmers were exposed to the background of CA, its importance and principles, status of the farming system in Lesotho, challenges faced by the agricultural sector in Lesotho, sustainable farming and natural resources management practices, the importance of cover crops, and management of common weeds, diseases, and pests.

The farmers also did some practicals, including digging of CA basins, seeding and application of kraal manure and fertilizers. Soil sampling techniques were also introduced to the farmers. A field tour to of on-farm CA and CF demonstration sites was undertaken where the trainees engaged with lead farmers in Mphosong on every step that was taken throughout the planting season.

Mr Monka Makoatsa, one of the lead farmers, expressed his gratitude on behalf of his colleagues to APPSA. He indicated that they have learned a lot during the two cropping seasons on CA and CF demonstrations under APPSA. Mr Makoatsa highlighted that CA proved to be an ideal farming approach that uses locally available resources. He asserted that both maize and beans on CA demonstrations performed well compared to CF under the drastic heat conditions experienced during the 2024-25 cropping season. Mr. Makoatsa concluded by encouraging his fellow farmers to practice CA for sustainable food production.

Source: The Lesotho Department of Agricultural Research (DAR)

Funding Partners


Beneficiaries Reached


Farmers Trained


Number of Value Chain Actors Accessing CSA


Lead Farmers Supported