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Feb 04, 2021

Authors: Rethabile Nchee & Lefutso Ramokoatsi

Lesotho embarked on intensive sensitization workshops for APPSA in all the ten Districts of the Country amid tight COVID-19 conditions. The purpose of these sensitization workshops was to introduce the project to different stakeholders in the country and inform them about the Modus Operandi of the project. 

The workshop per district was held for two days, whereby day one was for extension staff as well as other stakeholders such as the Ministry of Small Business, Cooperatives and Marketing; Ministry of Forestry, Range and Soil Conservation and the Non-Governmental Organizations.  Day two was for farmers, input traders and farmer organisations. The targeted farmers were mainly those involved in Horticulture farming because APPSA RCoL for Lesotho is Horticulture.   

The issues discussed included the background of the project, APPSA activities and project beneficiaries & their different roles. To ensure that the project has the buy-in of the District Authorities, the workshops were officially opened by the District Administrators (DA) or their representatives. The DA is the highest Government Authority in the Districts. They were officially closed by the District Agricultural Officers (DAO’s) or their representatives.  
Participants during the APPSA Sensitization Workshops

The expected number of participants per District was 100 but due to some challenges that number could not be reached. Butha- Buthe and Maseru districts had the highest number of 83 each, while Quthing district had the lowest number of 50 participants. The overall number of people sensitized country wide during APPSA sensitization workshops stands at 681. 

Media was also invited for coverage of APPSA sensitization workshops to ensure further dissemination of information regarding the project to the     entire     farming community country wide. This was in the form of television news headlines, radio programs and press release. 
Promotional materials used during sensitization campaigns

Branded promotional materials were used to provide brief information about APPSA. They also indicated the sponsor and contact details regarding the project. However, the brochure had more information and was given to participants for further reading to ensure more understanding of this research project.

Funding Partners


Beneficiaries Reached


Farmers Trained


Number of Value Chain Actors Accessing CSA


Lead Farmers Supported