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Mar 08, 2024

The National Steering Committee (NSC) for the Agricultural Productivity Programme for Southern Africa (APPSA) in the Republic of Angola convened from the 29th of February to the 1st of March 2024 in Malanje Province. The objective of the meeting was to assess the project’s performance and provide guidance and recommendations on areas to focus on in the remaining period to achieve the Project Development Objectives (PDO).

The NSC is the highest national decision-making body for APPSA and is chaired by the Secretary of State for the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Dr João Manuel Bartolomeu da Cunha. This meeting was of paramount importance for Angola as it was convened at a time when the project has less than one year of implementation remaining.

In his remarks, Dr Cunha highlighted the pivotal role of research as one of the pillars of agricultural productivity. He also stressed the need for regular supervision meetings to assess the adoption of recommended strategies and mechanisms for the successful implementation of APPSA activities.

The meeting was also attended by the Honorable Governor of Malanje Province, Engineer Marcos Alexandre Nhunga who highlighted the relevance of APPSA in strengthening national and regional research capacities both for generating and disseminating improved technologies. Under APPSA, Angola is establishing a Regional Center of Leadership (RCoL) on Cassava and Cassava-based farming systems. The RCol facilities are being constructed in Malanje Province.

The Director General of the Instituto de Investigação Agronómica (IIA), Dr João da Costa Ferreira Neto, presented the progress made by APPSA Angola since the last Steering Committee meeting to date. The presentations included the annual workplan and budget, financial management, procurement, training and capacity building, infrastructure development, monitoring and evaluation, environmental and social safeguards, and communications and visibility.

The Steering Committee appreciated the progress achieved thus far and provided several recommendations to fast-track implementation of outstanding activities in the remaining period. In view of the improved technologies, including seed varieties, that are being generated under the different sub-projects, the Steering Committee formed an interim task team to ensure that the varieties generated under the project are released in conformity with national procedures and international standards.

The meeting was also attended by observers comprising of other National Directors from the various departments of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry such as Instituto de Desenvolvimento Agrário (IDA), Serviços Nacionais de Semente (SENSE) and Direção Nacional de Florestas (DNAF), Scientists leading APPSA R&D sub-projects and members of the PIU. The NSC also visited the construction site of the Cassava RCoL where they were assured by the contractor that works will be completed on time.


Funding Partners


Beneficiaries Reached


Farmers Trained


Number of Value Chain Actors Accessing CSA


Lead Farmers Supported