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Jan 20, 2018 - Jan 20, 2018

This week  CCARDESA in collaboration with the University of Mauritius is implementing a regional training course on Tackling climate change in agriculture: approaches to climate change adaptation in agriculture and climate smart agriculture. The training was officially launched by Professor Dhanjay Jhurry, CSK, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Mauritius. In his opening speech, he highlighted climate change as major concern not only to the agricultural sector in Mauritius. Prof. Jhurry reminded the audience that the world needs to shift to a more sustainable use of resources to reduce GHG and thus protect the biodiversity of the planet. This requires more investment for research and development. He emphasised the importance of strengthening the capacity of all stakeholders in the Mauritius agricultural sector to respond to the challenges posed by climate change.

Associate Professor Daneshwar Puchooa, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Mauritius in his opening speech remarked on climate-smart agriculture as a key approach to increasing agricultural production in the context of climate change. The Faculty of Agriculture (FoA) therefore strives to prepare their graduates and stakeholders from society for the science and private sector and updates its programmes to meet the needs. Finally, Dr Wiebke Foerch, programme officer for the SADC programme on adaptation to climate change in rural areas in southern Africa (ACCRA), has been representing CCARDESA at this event. She highlighted the impacts of climate change on agriculture in the SADC Region and elaborated on the SADC Regional Agricultural Policy, which provides the policy framework for climate change adaptation and mitigation in the agriculture sector and calls for policy harmonisation with national policies.

The training is being implemented by the University of Mauritius in collaboration with CCARDESA and with support of the German Development Cooperation (GIZ). The objective is to strengthen the capacity of the SADC member states for climate change adaptation in agriculture and climate smart agriculture. It is a 5-day training of agriculture research and extension officers from FAREI, research officers from the University of Mauritius, and agro-business representatives. The training brings together technical expertise with the Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Development Co-operation Climate Proofing Tool, as well as a field excursion and interactive group work.

Funding Partners


Beneficiaries Reached


Farmers Trained


Number of Value Chain Actors Accessing CSA


Lead Farmers Supported