1. Background
Agricultural research plays a crucial role to enhance food and nutrition security and agricultural development by increasing agricultural productivity and production to meet the food demands of a rapidly growing population. CCARDESA, through the World Bank supported Agricultural Productivity Programme for Southern Africa (APPSA) and the Food Systems Resilience Programme (FSRP), is coordinating the generation and dissemination of resilience promoting agricultural technologies, innovations, and management practices (TIMPs) to enhance production and productivity. One of the key strategies of availing improved TIMPs is through scientific conferences where regional and international researchers gather to share their research findings and exchange experiences. CCARDESA, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition of Lesotho, is planning to convene a second APPSA scientific conference, aimed at fostering learning, collaboration and sharing of best practices for improving agricultural productivity and production in the face increasing climate related hazards and different types of global shocks.
2. Thematic areas for the APPSA Scientific Conference
• Crop Improvement: Genetic diversity, including collection, characterization, conservation, and exchange of germplasm; crop breeding and biotechnology
• Production Systems Management and intensification: Agronomy, including climate-smart agriculture, Soil and Water Management, and Integrated Pest and Disease Management
• Postharvest technologies, nutrition, and value addition
• Technology Dissemination and Seed Systems
• Socio-economic studies, gender and youth
3. Submission of Abstracts and posters
Authors are requested to indicate whether the submission is for an oral or poster presentation. Abstracts should have the following specifications:
• Font: Times New Roman, font size: 12, line spacing: 1.5
• have a short title (concise and informative) that adequately captures the scope of the presentation.
• be written in English, French, or Portuguese
• indicate the authors of the abstract and their affiliations, with the corresponding author clearly marked and contact details provided
• should include a statement of the problem, objectives, methods, and main results and conclusion
• be a maximum of 350 words
• provide keywords for the abstract (up to 5)
Authors are requested to indicate the sub-theme for which they are making submissions. Authors are requested to indicate whether the submission is for an oral or poster presentation. To submit an abstract, visit the REGISTRATION page (https://ccardesa.org/registration-2nd-appsa-scientific-conference) and register as oral or poster presenter. Follow the instructions on submitting the form (making sure you paste the abstract in the space provided).
4. Peer Review and shortlisting of the abstracts
Abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the Technical Committee comprising representatives from stakeholders. The Technical Committee reserves the right to reject or accept an abstract, and their decision will be final. By submitting an abstract, the authors commit that at least one author will attend the conference to present the paper/poster if accepted. In addition, peer-reviewed proceedings of the conference will be published after the conference.
5. Sponsorship
All support will be acknowledged. Please register as sponsor and follow the guidelines if you would want to pledge support.
6. Partnerships, Collaboration and side meetings
Partners and stakeholders wishing to run special sessions and panel discussions under the sponsorship program are requested to register as SPONSOR in the REGISTRATION page (https://ccardesa.org/registration-2nd-appsa-scientific-conference) and CCARDESA will reply with an acceptance letter and further instructions.
7. Important dates
1st Call for Abstracts and posters | 3rd September 2024 |
2nd Call for Abstracts and posters | 1st October 2024 |
3rd Call for Abstracts and posters | 16th December 2024 |
Close for receipt of Abstracts and posters | 14th February 2025 |
First Draft of the programme & Notification of Authors | 21st February 2025 |
Publishing of Final Programme | 7th March 2025 |
Conference run | 2nd to 4th April 2025 |
8. Registration fees and deadlines
Normal registration: | US$ 100.00 (until 28th February 2025) |
Late registration: | US$ 150.00 (1st – 14th March 2025) |
Students (to send proof of registration): | US$ 25.00 |