Mozambique Agricultural Research Institute Hosts Public Open Day

08 Jul 2024

By Carlos Filimone and Américo Humulane

The Institute of Agricultural Research of Mozambique (IIAM), a public institution under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADER), held an Open Day on May 22, 2024, with the theme: “IIAM Conducting Agricultural Research for Rural Transformation.” The event aimed to raise public awareness about IIAM’s research outcomes, products, and services.

This national event was conducted simultaneously across all IIAM's organic units, including the headquarters and the four Zonal Centers. Activities featured an open exhibition of research products and services, visits to experimental or technology demonstration fields, lectures, debates, and technology demonstrations.

High-level government officials, such as the Secretary of State, Provincial Governors, and District Administrators, inaugurated the event in various locations. “This Open Day showcases the vital role of agricultural research in transforming our rural communities,” said Gilon José Gilon, the Marracuene District Administrator.

IIAM Researcher from the herbarium sector interacting with students at IIAM Headquarters

Participants, including students from primary to higher education, farmers, teachers, agro-dealers, researchers, and university professors, were not just spectators but active participants in this event. They had the chance to engage with researchers and were enthusiastic about learning more about IIAM's diverse research activities and services. “I had no idea IIAM was involved in so many areas beyond seed development,” remarked Fernando Ubisse, a Local Farmer.

The exhibition, held at the IIAM headquarters, showcased services such as meteorology, soil fertility, pedology, land evaluation, cartography, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), agricultural biotechnology, technology transfer, and basic seed production. Additionally, researchers from the soil fertility, agro-meteorology, and horticultural sectors presented debates and lectures.

“This event provides a fantastic platform for us to share our research and innovations directly with the public and other stakeholders,” said Guidion Bucuane, a Researcher in the Agro-Meteorology sector.

Exhibitions were also held at the Zonal Centers and Agricultural Stations, displaying agricultural inputs, equipment, research results, technologies, and publications such as posters, leaflets, info notes, policy briefs, and other materials highlighting IIAM’s contributions. Partner organizations, including CGIARs and Observatório do Meio Rural (OMR), shared their research findings at the IIAM headquarters.

Director General of IIAM interacting with some exhibitors at IIAM Headquarters.

Banks such as ABSA, Millennium BIM, and BCI offered banking services, including account opening and credit opportunities. “Our goal is to support the agricultural community with accessible financial services,” stated a representative from Millennium BIM. The health sector provided services like blood donation, while other facilities included issuing and renewing identity cards and passports.

The Centro Zonal Centro demonstrated various agricultural practices, including livestock ration supplementation in the dry season, forest seed harvesting, and rice processing. “Seeing these technologies in action helps us understand their real-world applications,” said  Alberto Macamo, a Representative of the President of the Ulongue Municipal Council.

The 2024 IIAM Open Day featured 265 exhibitors and attracted 2,089 participants (1,278 men and 811 women). Due to the significant interest from visitors in understanding more about IIAM's work and interacting with researchers, IIAM plans to organize another open day this year as part of its 20th-anniversary celebrations. “We are thrilled by the public’s response and look forward to continuing this tradition,” said Dra. Zélia Lopes Menete, Director of IIAM.

The authors are CCARDESA ICKM, the Focal Point Persons for Mozambique.

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