ICKM Focal Points

National Focal Points are individuals who link CCARDESA to each of it's Member State countries. National Focal Points serve as institutional champions within Member States and serve to link interested people or parties with CCARDESA, mobilising content, catalysing relationships, and identifying opportunities for sharing knowledge among stakeholders.
Manager Advisory Services
the Agricultural Research Council- Central Office.
Senior Agricultural Scientific Officer
Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform (MAWLR)
Agricultural Scientific Officer
Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform (MAWLR)
Records Manager
National Agricultural Research and Development Institute(NARDI)
Business Plan Trainer
Ministry of Agriculture Madagascar
Senior Agriculture Research Advisor
Ministry of Agricultural- Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI)
Agriculture KM & Communications Specialist
Ministry of Agriculture Malawi
Researcher and Head of Technology Transfer Department
Institute of Agriculture Research of Mozambique
Communication & Monitering Expert
Ministry of Agriculture
Head of Division of Plant Clinics in the Plant Protection Directorate
Ministry of Agriculture
Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition Research Officer
Ministry of Agriculture

Ms Dorcas Kabuya

Agricultural Information Officer
Ministry of Agriculture
Socioeconomic Researcher & Executive Secretary
Agricultural Research Institute of Mozambique (IIAM)
Public Relations
Ministry of Agriculture Development and Food Security
Chief Research Officer
Department of Agricultural Research
Principal Agricultural Information Officer
Department of Agriculture and Food Security

International Cooperating Partners


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