Knowledge Products

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Date of Publication: Oct 2020
Author: Centre Technique de Coopération Agricole et Rurale
Cette nouvelle série d’histoires illustre de nombreuses et très intéressantes innovations appliquées en Afrique de l'Ouest, qui aident les producteurs à transformer et vendre leurs produits...
Date of Publication: Oct 2020
Since April 2016, CTA implemented the “Capitalizing on Experiences for Greater Impact in Rural Development” project – working together with FAO and IICA, and with the financial...
Date of Publication: Oct 2020
Author: Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
The cases captured in this booklet show the steps taken in many of these projects and organisations to support and ensure the adoption of an experience capitalization approach. Working together with...
Date of Publication: Oct 2020
Author: Moitui, Joash N.
Ce document analyse les défis et les opportunités que rencontrent les jeunes qui veulent se lancer dans l’agriculture et l’agrobusiness. Il s’intéresse aux mesures que les...
Date of Publication: Oct 2020
Ce document insiste sur le fait que les décideurs politiques des pays ACP doivent impliquer les jeunes pour que l’environnement politique tienne compte de leurs intérêts et les attire vers le...
Date of Publication: Oct 2020
Ce document affirme qu’investir dans la jeunesse pour moderniser l’agriculture libérera pleinement l’énorme potentiel de la jeunesse, créera des possibilités d’emploi...
Date of Publication: Sep 2020
Terms of Reference: Mapping Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Initiatives in the SADC Region 
Date of Publication: Sep 2020
CCARDESA Long-Term Strategic Plan
Date of Publication: Sep 2020
Author: Patrick Chiza Chikoti
Bemisia tabaci is an important vector of cassava brown streak viruses and cassava mosaic begomoviruses, the causal agents of cassava brown streak disease and cassava mosaic disease (CMD),...
Date of Publication: Aug 2020
The purpose of this consultancy is to undertake a stocktaking analysis of the status of digitalization in the agricultural systems of the SADC region paying special attention to agricultural research...
Date of Publication: Aug 2020
Author: Tiwonge Kampondeni
Newpaper article on APPSA, Malawi. Release of Pro-Vitamin A, Maize varieties.
Date of Publication: Aug 2020
Author: Southern African Wildlife College
Budget allocation form
Date of Publication: Jul 2020
Duplication of efforts in research and development (R&D) work in the region costs millions of dollars every year. This is attributed to lack of coordination, limited research communication among...
Date of Publication: Jul 2020
In this compendium, the authors present selected technologies which were generated and/or disseminated by APPSA. These technologies continue to play a big role in revolutionizing agricultural...


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