Knowledge Products

As a broker of regional agricultural knowledge, CCARDESA provides access to a range of CCARDESA Content, and curated content, relevant to its stakeholders.
Date of Publication: Mar 2015
Author: New Era News Namibia
The eyes of some 180 000 Namibia’s communal crop farmers  are firmly focused on the implementation of the European Union’s Conservation Agriculture Project for Namibia via the...
Date of Publication: Mar 2015
Author: Richer J.
Dans un article publié par Le Monde, Laetitia Van Eeckhout affirme que le ricin, plante herbacée originaire d’Afrique tropicale, peut être une arme de lutte contre la faim à Madagascar:Situé à...
Date of Publication: Mar 2015
Author: FAO
alawi is a landlocked country in Southern Africa, with an economy driven predominantly by the agricultural sector that accounts for one third of the GDP and nearly 80 percent of employment....
Date of Publication: Feb 2015
Author: Gwatibaya S.
The smallholder sector is vulnerable to climate change due to its reliance on rainfed agriculture and has the least ability to adapt. Based on appropriate weather forecasts, farmers can mitigate and...
Date of Publication: Jan 2015
Author: Timothy Simaleng
CCARDESA's Climate Change Adaptation Strategy: Evidence from CCARPASA Project
Date of Publication: Jan 2015
Author: Zambia Agriculture Research Institute
This brochure gives a short overview of the Maize lethal necrosis disease and provides the most important information on it.
Date of Publication: Jan 2015
Author: Dorward, P
Les petits exploitants agricoles sont importants pour la sécurité alimentaire en Afrique subsaharienne, où deux tiers de la population dépendent de pluviales cultures à petite échelle qui constituent...
Date of Publication: Jan 2015
Author: The World Bank
This module provides guidance and a comprehensive menu of practical tools for integrating gender in the planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of projects and investments in climate-smart...
Date of Publication: Jan 2015
The report provides information for a wide stakeholder base on the role of fisheries in food and nutrition security in SADC. It is a result of a study commissioned by CCARDESA to develop...
Date of Publication: Jan 2015
Author: Nozipho M. Motsa
Three sweet potato cultivars (A40, A45 and 199062.1) were planted in three small-scale farms located under different agro-ecological zones of KwaZulu-Natal. The objective was to assess growth,...
Date of Publication: Jan 2015
Author: T.P. Chibarabada
Farmers who still cultivate bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea) rely on landraces and seed retained from previous harvests. Given that the crop is typically cultivated in semi-arid regions, seed...
Date of Publication: Jan 2015
Author: International Livestock Resource Institute
The Feed Assessment Tool (FEAST) is a systematic method to assess local feed resource availability and use. It helps in the design of intervention strategies aiming to optimize feed utilization and...
Date of Publication: Jan 2015
Author: Green Climate Fund
GCF Funding ProposalTemplate
Date of Publication: Jan 2015
Author: Green Climate Fund (GCF)
The objective of this user’s guide is to assist accredited entities to develop a concept note (CN) to be submitted to the Green Climate Fund ("Fund").As a voluntary step, accredited...
Date of Publication: Jan 2015
Fleming Chookole, 49, of Mwiinga village in Chinkankata district in Zambia has returned to farming after abandoning it for blacksmithing for several years. Today, he is a lead farmer and...
Date of Publication: Jan 2015
Author: APPSA
This brochure decribes briefly the maize lethal necrosis (MLN) disease, its economic impact, how to detect it and ways to deal with it.


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