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Dr Simon Mwale, CCARDESA's Acting Executive Secretary Dr. Simon Mwale addresses the Regional Policy Dialogue in Maputo, Mozambique

21 Nov 2018

The theme for the Regional Policy Dialogue taking place in Mozambique is exploring the theme ‘Transforming Africa’s Agriculture’. Many organizations have...

From Left to Right: Dr Catherine Mugomba (Board Chairperson of CCARDESA), HE Graca Machel and Mr Sindiso Ngwenya (FANRPAN Board Chairperson)

05 Nov 2018

The Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA) has launched its new website...

11 Oct 2018

On October 11th and 12th 2018, CCARDESA, supported by GIZ-ACCRA gathered a group of nominated national Information, Communication and Knowledge Management (...

28 Sep 2018


Since December 2017 the CCARDESA discussion group community was sharing ideas on how to improve adoption of agricultural...


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