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Date of Publication: Sep 2024
These indigenous animal genetic resources (AnGR) breeds are not well characterized or described, and are often not subject to structured breeding programmes to improve their performance.
Date of Publication: Sep 2024
Author: Munyaradzi Mutenje, CIMMYT
This study examines the vulnerability to climate variability and change of the conventional maize value chain in the mid and low altitude agro-ecological zones of Malawi, agro-ecological zone II of...
Date of Publication: Sep 2024
The importance of the sustainable management of AnGR in Africa has been widely accepted, not only because of countries’ obligations under the Global Plan of Action GPA), but also to protect...
Date of Publication: Sep 2024
Author: Christian Thierfelder and Munyaradzi Mutenje, CIMMYT
Climate variability and change is projected to increasingly affect smallholder farming systems in southern Africa and the maize value chain will particularly suffer from the late onset of and...
Date of Publication: Sep 2024
Indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLC) in Africa areconsidered the original custodians of their AnGR.
Date of Publication: Sep 2024
The Climate Resilient Agriculture Production Programme is a collaboration between the Departments of Agricultural Research in Lesotho and  Botswana to undertake a climate risk assessment (...
Date of Publication: Sep 2024
Many African countries argue that investments in developing local animal genetic resources (AnGR) breeds could benefit small-scale, subsistence or resource poor farmers,and as well contribute to the...
Date of Publication: Sep 2024
The Climate Resilient Agriculture Production Programme is a collaboration between the Departments of Agricultural Research inLesotho and Botswana to undertake  climate risk assessment of...
Date of Publication: Sep 2024
The call for participatory approaches, including planning andimplementation of crossbreeding activities in Africa, emanates from the many failed experiences in the crossbreeding sector,some of these...
Date of Publication: Sep 2024
Author: Food and Agricultural Research and Extension Institute MAURITIUS
This leaflet is about use of Herbicide Fluazifop-P-butyl for control of annual and perennial grasses after trials carried out by FAREI, Mauritius.
Date of Publication: Sep 2024
Restoring Landscapes and Livelihoods for Climate Resilience in Southern Africa’s Rangelands
Date of Publication: Sep 2024
Author: Ministry of Agricultural and Livestock
Ce document indique les itinéraires techniques à suivre pour la culture de maïs.
Date of Publication: Sep 2024
Greater diversity of species and breeds enable rural households to ensure their food security by continuing to produce in uncertain environments, thus enabling them to manage risks moreefficiently....
Date of Publication: Sep 2024
Considering the fact that Africa have large reserves of AnGR, thestark poverty among livestock keeper’s points to the fact that these resources have not been extensively developed and utilized.
Date of Publication: Sep 2024
Farm animals contribute to the livelihoods and well-being ofsmallholders in marginal environments, especially women and children.
Date of Publication: Sep 2024
Despite the increasing reliance on livestock of exotic origins toprovide a substantial proportion of the local production, several analysis suggest that in view of the huge populations of indigenous...


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