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As a broker of regional agricultural knowledge, CCARDESA provides access to a range of CCARDESA Content, and curated content, relevant to its stakeholders.
Date of Publication: Dec 2022
Joint Monitoring & Evaluation Report Mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on food and nutrition security using Climate Smart Technologies in SADC Countries
Date of Publication: Dec 2022
Author: J. Dique
The deep knowledge of genetic diversity in access, in the breeding program, and the contribution of genetic factors as well as the phenotypic expression is of extreme importance for the development...
Date of Publication: Nov 2022
Author: Dzama, K.
Genetic parameters for birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), pre-weaning average daily gain (ADG1), 18-months weight (18 MW) and post-weaning average daily gain (ADG2) were estimated using single-...
Date of Publication: Nov 2022
Author: K. Raphaka
This document is about the Genome‐wide association identify regions  underlying bovine tuberculosis resistance in  dairy cattle
Date of Publication: Nov 2022
Author: Raphaka, K.
This document looks at Genomic regions underlying susceptibility to bovine tuberculosis in Holstein-Friesian cattle
Date of Publication: Nov 2022
Author: MwAPATA Institute
Despite having potential, Malawi’s wheat production has been characterized by low production and productivity. The prospects for scaling up wheat production in Malawi are based on the...
Date of Publication: Nov 2022
Author: Raphaka, K.
This document looks at the Impact of Genetic Selection for Increased Cattle Resistance to Bovine Tuberculosis on Disease Transmission Dynamics
Date of Publication: Nov 2022
Author: Raphaka, K.
This documnet is about Sex of calf and age of dam adjustment factors for birth and weaning weight in  Tswana and Composite beef cattle breeds in Botswana 
Date of Publication: Nov 2022
Author: Monau, P.
Goats have a key role in ensuring food security and economic livelihood to smallholder farmers in rural areas. Women play a vital role in goat rearing, promoting economic autonomy within households....
Date of Publication: Nov 2022
Author: Pedro, C.
Pigeon pea is one of the important legumes for export and domestic consumption in Mozambique. The objective was to evaluate the performance of the genotypes and to stratify environments for...
Date of Publication: Nov 2022
Author: SYLLA, N.A.
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is an important cash crop for small-scale farmers in Mozambique. The yield is dependent on various factors of plant management, and this can be affected by variations...
Date of Publication: Nov 2022
Author: Department of Agricultural Research
The compendium is a compilation of stories about project activities (research and development, agricultural extension, trainings, project management and monitoring) implemented under APPSA Lesotho....
Date of Publication: Nov 2022
Author: Department of Agriculture
APPSA Lesotho engaged a South African based consultancy firm on the drawn terms of reference to develop the Management Information System (MIS). The agreement reached between APPSA and the...
Date of Publication: Nov 2022
Terms of Reference
Date of Publication: Nov 2022
This report is about the Strengthening Food Systems Resilience and Agricultural Trade In Southern Africa- Workshop that CCARDESA and AICCRA jointly convened to consult the region and give an...
Date of Publication: Nov 2022
Author: Dorcas Kabuya-Chaaba
This is a news article on the AICCRA Project


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