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Feb 11, 2022

A grievance redress mechanism (GRM) is a critical tool to mitigate, manage, and resolve potential or realized negative impacts, as well as fulfil obligations under international human rights law and contribute to positive relations with communities and project implementers or investors. The GRM enables project implementers to learn about and resolve concerns before they escalate. Addressing grievances from those impacted by projects of any magnitude, is a core component of managing operational risk. 

The Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA) through the Agricultural Productivity Programme for Southern Africa (APPSA) has been facilitating GRM roll out and awareness workshops in Angola and Lesotho. This activity is led by the APPSA country Project Implementation Unit (PIU) under Environmental Social Safeguards (ESS) component.

APPSA is a six-year World Bank funded initiative which is currently implemented by Angola and Lesotho to establish Regional Centres of Leadership (RCoL) on cassava-based farming systems and horticulture-based farming systems, respectively. From 2013 to 2019, APPSA supported the establishment of RCoLs in Malawi (Maize RCoL), Mozambique (Rice RCoL) and Zambia (Legumes RCoL).

The establishment of RCoLs includes infrastructure development to strengthen the research capacity both at country and regional levels as well as the implementation of collaborative R&D projects. According to the World Bank, many major infrastructure and research projects around the world are stalled due to disputes over land, water, or labour related issues. The costs of ignoring such disputes—or delayed response—are high.

In November 2021, APPSA Angola conducted training on "Safeguards induction" with about 29 participants including researchers and partners, in Chianga and Mazozo. In the Kingdom of Lesotho, 44 District and Extension staff from Mohale’s Hoek, Leribe and Maseru, attended the GRM workshops, held between the third and fourth week of January 2022. This is an ongoing process which is aimed at sensitizing Researchers, District Staff and Extension officers on the GRM that the project has introduced to address concerns, comments, and queries on the project.

GRM roll out and awareness workshop in Lesotho

GRM roll out and awareness workshop in Lesotho

Overall, Angola and Lesotho have successfully kickstarted the trainings or sensitization campaigns on the adoption of GRM principles in the implementation of the APPSA project. The exercise recorded positive results as the GRM was warmly welcomed by participants as a tool that will assist not only the district and Extension staff, but also the host communities and farmers to lodge comments, concerns and queries they may have about the project and implementation of its various sub-projects.

The approach proposes three interlinked steps: (i) a risk-based assessment of potential grievances, disputes or conflicts that may arise during project preparation and implementation; (ii) identification of the client’s existing capacity for grievance redress; and (iii) an action plan that identifies priority areas for strengthening grievance capacity, or if necessary, establishing new mechanisms at the project level. Where applicable, dedicated resources should be allocated for realisation of the action plan.

Funding Partners


Beneficiaries Reached


Farmers Trained


Number of Value Chain Actors Accessing CSA


Lead Farmers Supported