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Event date and time
Oct 10, 2016 - Oct 14, 2016

CCARDESA organised a training in October 2016 in Cape town. This training was based on the CCARDESA Training Package which is being rolled out in the SADC region. The objectives of the training were to ensure that technical staff for agricultural extension in southern Africa know concepts of climate change adaptation and climate smart agriculture for agriculture extension services and to ensure that they are capable to apply such concepts in their extension work. Participants were drawn from practitioners of agriculture extension in SADC member states. Following is the agenda of the training which includes links to the presentations.





  • Recap of excursion - Dr. Wiebke Foerch, Dr. Luis Waldmueller
  • Case studies Module B: Identifying adaptation options - Catalina Berger and Trainer team
  • Presentation 9: Prioritising climate smart practices and technologies for agricultural value chains in SADC - Dr. Christine Lamanna, Senior Scientist, World Agroforestry Centre, CGIAR Research Programme on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
  • Q&A Session - Dr. Luis Waldmueller
  • Presentation 10: The importance of gender in climate smart agriculture - Dr. Luis Waldmueller,
  • Q&A Session


  • Case studies, Module C – Selecting adaptation measures - Catalina Berger and Trainer team
  • Preparing final group presentations - Catalina Berger
  • Group Presentations and discussion of results - Trainer team
  • Q&A Session - Catalina Berger
  • Reflections and conclusions on the CP approach - Catalina Berger
  • Evaluation
  • Final remarks, next steps
  • Certificates

Location: Cape Town, South Africa

CLICK HERE to learn more about the training event.

Funding Partners


Beneficiaries Reached


Farmers Trained


Number of Value Chain Actors Accessing CSA


Lead Farmers Supported