Recent News


VRC deliberating on the release of candidate varieties for Zambia market

08 Aug 2024

This statement was elaborated by Dr Francisco Miti, Director of the Zambia Seed Control and Certification Institute (SCCI) in a short video recently...

This was a ToT on e-Extension through animated videos which provided TARI Technology Transfer with alternatives to complement dissemination of TIMPS

22 Jul 2024

Thirteen (13) Technical staff working in Technology Transfer and Partnership (TTP) under the Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) were trained on...

In Angola, the construction of the Cassava RCoL in Malange province, which was at 10% in March 2024, was observed to have reached almost 70% completion rate.

18 Jul 2024

The World Bank conducted an Implementation Support Mission (ISM) for the Agricultural Productivity Programme for Southern Africa (APPSA) in the Mountain...

Illustration by US Agroforestry Center

09 Jul 2024

Twenty (20) extension officers from four districts of Lesotho (Mokhotlong, Leribe, Maseru and Mohales’ Hoek) were trained on alley cropping approach from...


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