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Jul 15, 2020

In these highly uncertain and rapidly changing times, the SADC (Southern African Development Community) region, like many regions in Africa, remains fundamentally dependent on a resilient agricultural system and natural resource base. Climate change still poses the greatest threat to the agricultural system and therefore technical capacity is needed to address these future impacts and adapt plans, policies and programs.

Taking into account alternative futures, the SADC Futures Foresight training that has been running for the past few weeks has equipped users to practically apply the range of foresight tools and methods for innovative strategic planning and policy formulation for climate resilience.

If you’re interested to follow the webinar series, you will be able to access all resources, including the webinar recordings, presentations, a complementary Toolkit Manual on the CCAFS website:

Recap from the first four webinars:

1 – Introducing foresight for agriculture and climate change planning

At the first session, participants were introduced to foresight for agriculture and climate change planning and how to set up a foresight process, with examples and application in the SADC region related to the agriculture sector and building climate resilience.

 Webinar recording: SADC Futures webinar series - Webinar 1: Introduction

2 – Understanding regional trends, multi-sectoral and systems linkages and climate risk in the region

The session built upon the next stage of the Foresight Framework - focusing on the Analysis phase, learning tools such as trend analysis, and how to integrate evidence into a foresight process. These method explanations were completed by lots of examples from trends analysis in SADC and an overview of future climate risks and hotspots and how these impact planning for the future. The session concluded with the Interpretation phase, explaining tools such as systems mapping and how to apply this in relation to cross-sectoral planning.

 Webinar recordingSADC Futures webinar series - Webinar 2: Foresight Tools - Analysis and Interpretation

3 – Visioning, causal analysis and integrating climate resilience into future planning

This webinar focused on the Plan phase of the Foresight Framework, on learning tools such as how to build a vision and causal analysis. Participants were introduced to the method of backcasting in foresight. The training session concluded by introducing how to develop climate-resilient pathways and action plans to build two relevant examples from the SADC region and how to address trade-offs in future development options.

Webinar recordingSADC Futures webinar series - Webinar 3: Foresight Tools and Methods

4 – Introducing scenarios and building multiple scenarios to consider in future planning

This training session focused on a key foresight method: scenarios. The session included a background on scenarios and a short summary where scenarios have been used to influence future planning and policy processes. The session then built a participatory process, where participants learned the key steps and stages of building scenarios through a small group exercise. This included identifying key drivers, categorising drivers and selecting highly impactful and uncertain drivers to build scenarios and unpack possible different futures relevant to climate change and agriculture future planning.

Webinar recordingSADC Futures webinar series - Webinar 4: Foresight tools and methods: Scenarios

In August, we will be launching the Foresight Training Resource Centre and forthcoming SADC Future’s foresight e-learning course which will all be accessible on the CCARDESA website. More info to follow soon.

Coming up next:

This week on Wednesday,15th July from 2 pm to 4 pm, the session will focus on using scenarios to take into account uncertainties and create more robust and transformative climate-resilient policies and plans. Then, next week we’ll wrap up the series with the last webinar reviewing key foresight methods and tools and tailoring practical action to agriculture and climate change future planning and implementation in the SADC region. Join Zoom meeting using this link:

Meeting ID: 841 5374 2090
Password: 361840


Funding Partners


Beneficiaries Reached


Farmers Trained


Number of Value Chain Actors Accessing CSA


Lead Farmers Supported