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Jul 11, 2023

GCCA+ Project site was officially handedover to the beneficiaries in Katapazi,Livingstone. Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA) in collaboration with SADC Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE) and Global Water Partnership-Southern Africa (GWPSA), showcase the implementation of climate smart Agricultural technologies using WEF (Water-Energy-Food Security) Nexus approach. The event was attended by representatives from various Organizations, including the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Energy, The District Commissioner, and Local leadership.

The ceremony celebrated the significant accomplishments and impact of the CCARDESA ‘s work in the agricultural and environmental sectors. Dr Barthlomew Chataika the GCCSA+ Coordinator for CCARDESA explained about agricultural practices and technologies that have been implemented under the GCCA+ project. He continued to say these initiatives aim to improve food security, enhance climate resilience, and promote sustainable agricultural practices in Kapizana and the wider Southern Africa region. The GCCA+ project focuses on supporting communities in adapting to the challenges posed by climate change. Various strategies and interventions were highlighted, including climate-smart farming techniques, water management systems, and capacity-building programs to enhance local resilience and reduce vulnerability to climate-related risks.

The event emphasized the importance of collaboration between different sectors. Representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Energy highlighted their joint efforts in addressing climate change impacts on both agriculture and energy sectors. This integrated approach aims to foster sustainable development and create synergies between various sectors.The District Commissioner of Katapazi expressed gratitude for the support provided by CCARDESA and other stakeholders. They emphasized the importance of local government involvement in implementing climate change adaptation strategies and encouraged ongoing cooperation between the government and development partners.

SACREE, the Southern Africa Climate Research and Environmental Education organization, played a vital role in providing scientific expertise, research support, and environmental education programs. Their contributions were acknowledged during the ceremony, emphasizing the significance of evidence-based decision-making in climate change adaptation efforts.

Overall, the PR handover ceremony in Katapazi served as a platform to highlight the achievements and collaborative efforts of CCARDESA, the European Union, and various stakeholders in implementing climate change adaptation measures and promoting sustainable agriculture in the region.

Funding Partners


Beneficiaries Reached


Farmers Trained


Number of Value Chain Actors Accessing CSA


Lead Farmers Supported