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Oct 27, 2022

By: Américo Humulane and Carlos Filimone

The Government of Mozambique will invest around US$50 million in agricultural research over the next three years. His Excellency Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, President of the Republic of Mozambique, announced this feat in his opening speech of the First Agricultural Research Symposium held in KaTembe, Municipality of Maputo, from 31 August to 1 September 2022. The investment aims to stimulate and improve agricultural research in Mozambique through the improvement and operation of research and vaccine production laboratories, reinforcement of the multiplication of pre-basic and essential seeds, support in the operationalization of the Rice Research and Leadership Center and impact assessments of agricultural production.

Until the signing of the General Peace Agreement in 1992, agricultural research infrastructures were primarily neglected and abandoned mainly due to the 16-year war that created an environment of insecurity, affecting the agriculture sub-sector. And due to financial constraints, Mozambique registered a low level of investment in agricultural research, which caused the continuous degradation of research infrastructure, namely laboratories and experimental fields, which are essential for agricultural research.

The funding announced here will stimulate and optimize agricultural research, significantly boosting the reach of research results that will contribute to the increase in agricultural production and productivity in the country.

The 1st Symposium of agricultural research was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADER) under the motto “Technological and Sustainable Transformation of Agriculture in Mozambique Towards Zero Hunger”, taking into account the current stage of agricultural research in Mozambique and the challenges of the agricultural sub-sector of the country with the primary objective of creating a national platform of excellence for the presentation and debate of the results of research programs and the exchange of national and international experiences.

The Symposium brought together more than three hundred people, including distinguished government representatives, research institutions, academia, the private sector, and national and international partners. It is worth mentioning the presence of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development and the respective Deputy Minister, the Secretary of State of the City of Maputo, the President of the Municipal Council of Maputo City, magnificent rectors of different higher education institutions, scientists and agrarian researchers, farmer representatives, research partners and agricultural extension.

In his speech, the President of the Republic referred to releasing 64 varieties of different crops (maize, rice, beans, sesame, onion, sweet potato, peanut and sorghum), tolerant to pests, diseases and climate change, as a huge milestone. He also applauded the increased basic seed production from 10 tons to 22 tons. President Nyusi also announced that wheat varieties with a potential yield of 7 ton̸ ha had been identified in Niassa and other regions of the country with four ton̸ ha. In animal sciences, the number of doses of vaccines against red and symptomatic anthrax and Newcastle have been recorded, thus increasing the number of animals covered by vaccination. He also noted that some programs were carried out to reduce inbreeding in animals in 2015-2022.

The Head of State reiterated that the Symposium should discuss the platforms to develop sustainable agricultural technologies to increase agricultural production and rural development. He further urged participants to discuss and find suitable platforms for the transfer of agricultural technologies to farmers and ensure that they are adopted.

Filimone is a Researcher and Head of Technology Transfer, and Humulane is Socioeconomic Researcher & Executive Secretary. Both authors are CCARDESA ICKM Focal point persons for Mozambique.




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