How do farmers and key stakeholders in the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) experience climate change? They have developed solutions and are ready to scale out!
A theatre performance from the community level in SADC will demonstrate this. Experience shows that participatory theatre for policy engagement enables community participation in developing Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) solutions and advocate for engagement. Drawing on the latest scientific and development evidence two investment ideas on scaling climate-smart agriculture will be pitched, followed by a panel discussion.
Among the pitching partners and panellists are Senior Officials from SADC Member States, the Adaptation of African Agriculture (AAA) Initiative, the CGIAR Research Programme on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT), Care International, the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN), the Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research in Southern Africa (CCARDESA), the World Bank, and the NDC Partnership.
The side event is co-facilitated by the SADC / German Development Cooperation (GIZ/BMZ) Adaptation to Climate Change in Rural Areas in Southern Africa (ACCRA) programme.
Date and Time: Friday 6 December 2019, 16:30 –18:00hrs
Venue: Room Helsinki, IFEMA Madrid Spain
Organized by: FANRPAN, SADC, CCARDESA, CCAFS, AAA, CARE International, World Bank, SADC/GIZ ACCRA
Opening Remarks by the facilitator Sithembile Mwamakamba (FANRPAN) 16:30 – 16:35
Speeches from Senior Representatives 16:35-55
- Mr Harsen Nyambe, African Union Commission, Head of Division: Environment, Climate Change, Water and Land Management
Interactive session 16:55-17:55
- A theatre performance showcasing how participatory approaches can inform investment decisions
- Two investment pitches from the SADC region
Investment Pitch 1: Digitalizing agricultural transformation through bundling agricultural advisories and risk insurance in southern Africa - a pitch from SADC, CCAFS, CCARDESA, FANRPAN, SACAU & SADC/GIZ ACCRA
- Presented by Dr Bruce Campbell, Programme Director, CGIAR Research Programme on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
- Pitch 1 Presentation; Pitch 1 Proposal
Investment Pitch 2: Transforming crop & livestock production systems for climate resilience in southern Africa - a pitch from Conservation International, CCARDESA, CIMMYT, Peace Parks Foundation, Rural-Self Help Development Association & SADC/GIZ ACCRA
- Presented by Dr Lefulesele Lebesa, Director, Department of Agricultural Research, Lesotho & Sithembile Mwamakamba, CSA Programme Manager,
- Pitch 2 Presentation; Pitch 2 Proposal
- A panel discussion with key players in CSA investment planning in Africa:
- Mr Riad Balaghi, Director of Projects, Adaptation of African Agriculture Initiative (AAA)
- Mr Jahan Chowdhury, Country Engagement Director, NDC Partnership
- Dr Evan Girvetz, Senior Scientist with the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)
- Dr Martin Schuldes, Head of Division Climate Initiatives, German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Closing Remarks 17:55 –18:00
- H.E Sindiso Ngwenya, Policy Champion and Former Secretary-General of COMESA
For further information on investment pitches, please contact hanna.sabass@giz.de. Supplementary information, such as vulnerability analysis and feasibility studies can be made available upon request by interested partners.
Tap into a gold mine and enable the SADC region to characterize its germplasm for drought- and heat tolerance, nutrition content and adaptation to local conditions (Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture). (Pitch 3 Proposal). This unlocks the door to the identification and dissemination of appropriate seed varieties to build resilience to climate change in southern Africa’s production systems. For more information about this please contact Justify Gotami Shava, SADC Head of SADC Plant Genetic Resources Centre at jshava@sadc.int.