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Event Type
Other Events
Event date and time
Sep 24, 2018 - Sep 28, 2018

The fresh- and brackish water fish fauna of Africa is highly diversified and comprises over 3500 species belonging to about 94 families. These fishes inhabit a wide variety of habitats ranging from small temporary streams to large and permanently flowing rivers, as well as from shallow and swampy water bodies to large deep lakes, in dry and wet climatic zones.

In many African countries, fishes are a major source of protein and income generation. While in many regions capture fisheries are fully exploited, the development of aquaculture in Africa continues to lag behind its predicted potential. Despite its economic and social importance, the African fish fauna is exposed to many threats, most of which are of anthropogenic origin. The major causes of the loss of fish diversity are the fragmentation or destruction of habitats resulting from stream regulation, the introduction of alien species, overexploitation of fish resources, and pollution.

Much research has been, or is being, conducted on the fish and fisheries of the African continent. In order to access and share this growing body of scientific knowledge it was recognized that an international gathering bringing together scientists from all over the world was required. The first of such meetings took place in 1993 in Dakar, Senegal; the second in Grahamstown, South Africa in 1998; the third in Cotonou, Benin in 2003,  the fourth in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in 2008, the fifth in Bujumbura, Burundi in 2013, and the sixth is due to take place on 17-21 September 2018 in Malawi.

This meeting will provide an opportunity for scientists from throughout  Africa and around the world to come together, to get to know one another, exchange information and ideas, and to initiate collaborative studies. Several renowned scientists, young researchers and other stakeholders are expected to attend this important meeting.

The purpose of this first circular is, therefore, to notify all interested researchers, students, teachers and other stakeholders about the event and to invite their participation in this important scientific forum. If you are interested, please complete the enclosed form and return it to us either at as soon as possible but before February 15, 2018.

A web site is being developed for the PAFFA conference and the address will be communicated later

We hope that you will assist us in disseminating this information to all relevant individuals and institutions. If you have any queries, don’t hesitate to contact the organizing committee at

Funding Partners


Beneficiaries Reached


Farmers Trained


Number of Value Chain Actors Accessing CSA


Lead Farmers Supported