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Event Type
Other Events
Event date and time
Nov 20, 2018 - Nov 22, 2018


Transforming Agriculture in Africa


To provide a platform for multi-stakeholder dialogue on food, agriculture and natural resources (FANR) focusing on policies that can transform African agriculture, and amplify the role, opportunities and challenges encountered by women, children and youth.


To convene a multi-actor policy dialogue platform capable of deliberating on the thematic areas with a view to generating recommendations aimed at policy makers to transform African agriculture.


The policy dialogue will bring together state and non-state actors, to include, policy research institutions, universities, farmer organisations, agri-business, agricultural financiers, civil society, policy makers, oversight bodies, and the media.


Avenida 25 de Setembro, nº 692, Maputo, Mozambique


Policy Dialogue Theme and Sub-Themes

The proposed theme for the 2018 FANRPAN Dialogue is “Transforming African Agriculture”.

Under the overall theme, of “Transforming African Agriculture – Women and Youth, Food Systems and Policies”, the dialogue will deliberate on the following sub-themes:

Sub-theme 1: climate smart food systems

Each level of the food system presents many opportunities to adapt food systems and their value chains to be more resilient and contribute to increasing the continent’s food and nutrition security. An important anchor of this is securing the soverienty of our food varieties and seed systems and thus, nutrition policies should also seek to diversity local nutrient intake through diversification of crops. It is important to take a holistic systems approach, which involves an examination of the food system as a whole – from farm-to-fork. The policy dialogue will explore approaches to identify the root causes of the risks and vulnerabilities facing food systems, including those associated with climate change, nutrition, women, the youth and children, to determine where to focus coordinated, multistakeholder interventions to develop sustainable food systems.

Sub-theme 2: policies to transform African agriculture

The dialogue will focus on the performance of policies aimed at transforming Africa’s agriculture. In the aftermath of the inaugural AU Biennial Review Report, there is need to assess progress towards the implementation of national and regional commitments to continental frameworks such as the Malabo Declaration, and devise approaches to support such policy processes, with a special focus on youth, women and children.

Sub-theme 3: youth communities of practice

The dialogue re-affirms that there are opportunities for youth engagement in the agriculture value chain, and seeks to tap into the energy and entrepreneurial spirit of Africa's younger generation. However, if young people are to work in the agriculture value chain, the sector has to transform and improve its appeal and business approach.

Across all the above themes is the critical factor of financing in this quest for agricultural transformation.

Funding Partners


Beneficiaries Reached


Farmers Trained


Number of Value Chain Actors Accessing CSA


Lead Farmers Supported