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Mar 07, 2018 - Mar 07, 2018

CCARDESA with support from GIZ conducted an annual planning workshop in Pilanesburg, South Africa. The meeting reflected on the year 2017 and focused on plans for 2018. The key outcomes were the setting of priority activities for 2018. In 2018, CCARDESA will focus on improving visibility among its stakeholders and in developing a new Medium Term Operational Plan (MTOP2), as implementation of the current MTOP1 is set to end in December 2018. Lessons learnt from implementation of MTOP1 were critical factors in setting up priorities for the second MTOP.

CCARDESA trusts on the usual support of SADC Member States, its partners and other stakeholders in making 2018 and beyond a success in the fight against hunger and food insecurity in southern Africa.

Funding Partners


Beneficiaries Reached


Farmers Trained


Number of Value Chain Actors Accessing CSA


Lead Farmers Supported