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Oct 28, 2022

The Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development (CCARDESA) facilitated a training on planning and implementation of field trials for Scientists from the Instituto de Investigação Agronómica (IIA) and José Eduardo dos Santos University who are currently leading research and development (R&D) sub-projects under the Agricultural Productivity Programme for Southern Africa (APPSA). The training which was aimed at improving the quality of science in the implementation of APPSA R&D sub-projects, was conducted in Huambo, Angola from the 25th to 27th of October 2022.

According to Dr Amílcar Salumbo, the Deputy Director General of IIA, the training on field trials will improve the already existing knowledge amongst scientists in Angola. He also indicated that this is an opportunity to strengthen their ability to match research objectives with results both at national and regional levels. “While most scientists attending this training are already acquainted with the principles of field trials, there is always room for improvement as science is dynamic and research outputs under APPSA must address country and regional concerns”, noted Dr Salumbo in his opening remarks.

APPSA is a six-year World Bank funded initiative currently implemented by the Republic of Angola and the Mountain Kingdom of Lesotho with regional coordination by CCARDESA. Angola is establishing a Regional Centre of Leadership (RCoL) in Cassava and Cassava-based farming systems whereas Lesotho is establishing an RCoL in Horticulture and Horticulture-based farming systems.

Scientists were trained in different methods of experimental design in agriculture

Angola and Lesotho are jointly implementing 18 R&D sub-projects, and more are expected to be commissioned in the near future. Most of the R&D sub-projects rely on field trials and demonstrations to generate and/or disseminate improved technologies. This training was recommended by a technical backstopping mission led by CCARDESA earlier in the year, which included independent reviewers from the region who advised that APPSA scientists needed to strengthen their skills on planning and implementation of field trials.

Similar to what was offered to Scientists in Lesotho in mid-October, the training covered methodological approaches of research designs, and the selection of experimental sites as well as establishment and management of field trials. This included topics such as blocking, randomization, replication, sampling and a guide for developing research protocols. Scientists were also introduced to concepts of data collection, data entry, and preliminary data analysis using R Statistical package. Additional related training sessions that CCARDESA has planned for Scientists under APPSA include data management and statistical analysis and scientific writing for publication. Both countries are now ready for the planting season as the rains have already started in the region.

Group photo at Chianga Research Station, Huambo-Angola

Funding Partners


Beneficiaries Reached


Farmers Trained


Number of Value Chain Actors Accessing CSA


Lead Farmers Supported