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Jul 28, 2023

Sixteen (16) scientists implementing research and development sub-projects under the Agricultural Productivity Programme for Southern Africa (APPSA) in Lesotho, ten (10) District Agricultural Officers (DAOs), members of Research Technical Committee (RTC), management of the Department of Agricultural Research (DAR), APPSA Project Implementing Unit, farmer representatives and Commodity leaders attended the APPSA reporting and planning seminar. The seminar was held from the 18th to 21st July 2023 at Thaba-Bosiu in the Maseru district.

In his welcome remarks, the interim Director of the Department of Agricultural research, Mr Selebalo Ramakhanna, thanked the scientists for working whole heartedly in their different research undertakings. Mr Ramakhanna indicated that R&D sub-projects should make a positive impact on the lives of the able and less privileged people alike. He asserted that it is through the strides of scientists that Lesotho National Agricultural Research system (NARS) will be recognized globally. The interim Director concluded by highlighting the preliminary dry season predictions by Lesotho meteorology services and pleaded with the scientists to plan accordingly.

Ms Monica Lephole, the coordinator of the Regional Center of Leadership (RCoL) in Horticulture presented the purpose of the seminar to the participants. This was followed by a presentation of a field visit report and observations by the Research Technical Committee. The report exposed both the good work and areas that need to be improved.

The scientists presented their implementation reports and plans for the incoming cropping season. These reports constituted the introductions and background of the research activities, objectives, study sites, methodology, results framework, challenges, and future plans. It is worth noting that four (4) R&D sub-projects presented in this seminar have come to completion. These were spillover sub-projects from APPSA Phase I (Malawi, Mozambique & Zambia). Discussions and recommendations were made on each presentation.

The Project Implementation Unit (PIU) presented reports and plans for facilitating seamless implementation of project activities. These included Environmental and Social Safeguards; Monitoring and Evaluation; Information Communication and Knowledge Management, Infrastructure, Procurement and Finance issues.

On behalf of the scientists, Professor Mpho Phoofolo expressed gratitude to APPSA-Lesotho for holding such rare event mainly due to limited resources. Prof. Phoofolo pleaded with the APPSA management to make this kind of seminar a national event in the future where detailed research findings would be presented in the presence of more relevant stakeholders and government officials. He asserted that presenting their research work in the presence of the DAOs and farmers makes it more relevant and rewarding.

Representative of DAOs, Mr Ntai Lepheana, acknowledged the robust and informative discussions during the seminar. He indicated that DAOs view this platform appropriate for dissemination of entire APPSA research findings, exchange of ideas and recommendations with relevant stakeholders. Mr Lepheana indicated that APPSA is considered as a helping hand for the Ministry of Agriculture Food Security and Nutrition in that research is conducted in some of the remote areas that are generally not easy to reach, considering the limited resources at the Officers’ disposal.

The event was officially closed by the Principal Secretary (PS) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition who was represented by the Director of Field Services, Mr Thabo Sekhonyana. In her remarks, the PS thanked all participants for their fruitful contributions during the seminar and noted that the outputs of this event will contribute meaningfully towards the Ministry’s drive to commercialise the agricultural sector. The PS reminded delegates that the mandate of achieving national food security bestowed on the Ministry will be addressed through different research findings under APPSA. She discouraged working in silos and reinforced that Research, Extension and Farmer linkages should be strengthened.

Source: Department of Agricultural Research (DAR) of Lesotho

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