Dear colleagues,
CCARDESA is excited to announce that the following people have been selected to attend the free virtual Communication training. Attached is the list for your easy identification of your group, date and time of the training. Please confirm your participation to mwimwit@gmail.com and Kwame.rldtafrica@gmail.com copy in bkakuwa@ccardesa.org . Kindly state your name and group which you have been assigned as you do your confirmation. Looking forward to seeing you.
List of participants and training cohorts
| Location | Job title |
The AIR Group: Date: Monday, 21st June 2021 Time: 09.00 to 13.00 (C.A.T) Training Link-Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2676939533?pwd=OUhzS1g4cWJxajAxS2tmYmFFdWhPQT09
| |
| ARI | Research Officer (6-12 years) |
| Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (Malawi) | Reporter (1 to 5 years) |
| Namibia National Farmers Union (Windhoek) | Programs Manager (1-5 years) |
| Instituto de Investigação Ágraria de Moçambique (Moçambique-Maputo) | Comunicação e Informação. (6 to 12 years) |
| Institute for Agricultural Research of Mozambique (Maputo, Mozambique) | Communication Designer (1 to 5 years) |
| Agricultural Research Council (location missing) | Training Manager (15 to 25 years) |
| Agriculture (Location missing) | Assistant Extension officer(1-5 years) |
| Ministry of agriculture Eswatini (Ngwempisi Mankayane) | Extension officer in charge (1 to 5 years) |
| Ministry of Agriculture (Manzini) | Assistant extension officer (1 to 5 years) |
| Ministry of Agriculture (Eswatini, Malkerns) | Research Officer (1-5 years) |
| Ministry of Agriculture (Langa, Siteki, Lubombo, Eswatini) | Extension Officer(6 to 12 years) |
| Department of Research and Specialist Services (Harare Zimbabwe) | Director(15 to 25 years) |
| Ministry of Community Development and Social Services (Zambia) | Social Protection Officer (15 -25 years) |
| Zambia Statistics Agency (Lusaka, Zambia) | Principal Statistician in charge of Agriculture Statistics(15 to 25 years) |
| Ministry of Agriculture(chongwe Kapete B Agricultural camp) | Facilitating Agricultural extension services (1-5 years) |
| University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria | Lecturer (15 – 25 years) |
| CCARDESA Botswana | Technical project officer (1-5 years) |
| Institute of tropical Agriculture (Benin) | Partnership Engagement officer (1- 5 years) |
| Ministry of Agriculture (Eswatini) | Agriculture extension officer (1-5 years) |
| Ministry of Agriculture (Harare) | Deputy Director Crop Breeding Institute (6 to 12 years) |
| Government of Eswatini (Location missing) | Assistant Extension officer (6 to 12 years) |
The WATER Group Date: Tuesday , 22nd June 2021 Time: 09.00 to 13.00 (C.A.T) Training Link-Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2676939533?pwd=OUhzS1g4cWJxajAxS2tmYmFFdWhPQT09 |
| |
| Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security (Botswana) | Deputy Director for Department of Agric. Research, Statistics and Food Security (15 to 25 years) |
| Ministry of agriculture(Pigg's peak Eswatini) | Assistant extension officer (1 to 5 years) |
| Ministry of Agriculture(Swaziland Manzini) | Assistant Extension Officer(1-5 years) |
| Agricultural Research(Eswatini) | Research Officer(1-5 years) |
| Department of Agricultural Research Services (Malawi) | Chief Agricultural Research Statistician (15 – 25 years |
| Instutute of Agriculture Research of Mozambique(Mozambique) | Technology Transfer(15 to 25 years) |
| Seed Department(Maputo Mozambique) | Head of Seed Department(15 to 25 years) |
| IIAM(Mozambique Institute of Agricultural Research)(Mozambique) | IT(15 to 25 years) |
| Agricultural Research Council of Zimbabwe(Zimbabwe) | Finance, Sustainability & Governance (6 to 12 years) |
| Department of Agricultural Services | Knowledge and Information Manager (15-25 years) |
| Centre for Development and Research (Zimbabwe) | ICT Development Consultant (15 – 25 years) |
| Department of Agriculture & Rural Development (South Africa, KwaZulu Natal) | Extension Officer (15 to 25 years) |
| Department of Research (Lesotho) | Researcher (1-5 years) |
| Lesotho Meteo Services | Climate Data Analyst (6-12 years) |
| Oil palm Outgrowers company (Zambia) | General Manager (6-12 years) |
| Swaziland Government (Swaziland) | Extension Officer(6 to 12 years) |
| Ministry of Agriculture(Lusaka) | To provide extension work to the farmers (1-5 years) |
| University of Mauritius | Academic Staff (15 – 25 years) |
| Ministry of Agriculture(Kafue – Zambia) | To impart extension services to farmers (15 to 25 years) |
| Rural Development Innovations (Lusaka) | Finance and Administration(6 – 12 years) |
The EARTH Group Date: Wednesday, 23rd June 2021 Time: 09.00 to 13.00 (C.A.T) Training Link-Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2676939533?pwd=OUhzS1g4cWJxajAxS2tmYmFFdWhPQT09 |
| |
| Zambia Agriculture Research Institute | IT Officer (15 to 25 years) |
| APPSA (Agricultural Productivity Programme in Southern Africa) (Lesotho) | Information Technology & Knowledge Management (1-5 years) |
| CCARDESA Botswana | Administrator (6 – 12 years) |
| Ministry of Agricultural Production and Food Security. Department of Agribusiness Promotions (Gaborone) | Cooperative Auditor (15-25 years) |
| Department of Agric Services | Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (15 – 25 years) |
| AFAAS | Head of Finance Unit (1-5 years) |
| Ministry of agriculture (Location missing) | Soil Scientist (1-5 years) |
| National Emergent Red Meat Producers Organisation | Coordinator (6-12 years) |
| Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Resettlement (Harare-Zimbabwe) | Biometrician (6-12 years) |
| Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (Luanda) | Deputy General Director for Technical Area of IDA (15 to 25 years) |
| Africa Cooperative Action Trust (ACAT) (eSwatini, Swaziland) | Climate Change Resilience Building Project Coordinator (1 to 5 years) |
| Agricultura Research Institute of Mozambique (IIAM) | Comunication and Advocacia (15 to 25 years) |
| Ministry of Agriculture (Location missing) | Dissemination of technologies to the farmers through demonstrations, trainings, field days, monitoring and report writing (15-25 years) |
| Zambia Agriculture Research Institute (ZARI) (Chipata, Zambia) | Agronomy research and dissemination of findings (15 to 25 years) |
| Ministry of livestock and fisheries (Juba) | Policy and planning (6 – 12 years) |
| Ireland | Consultant (6-12 years) |
| Ministry of Agriculture (Lesotho) | Information Officer (15 to 25 years) |
| Ministry of Agric (eswatini) | Network Engineer (1-5 years) |
| Ministry of Agriculture (Ntfonjeni RDA, Hhohho Swaziland) | Do extension work (1 to 5 years) |
| Agricultural Research Institute of Mozambique (Maputo, Mozambique) | Researcher (15 to 25 years) |
| Ministry of agriculture (Mbabane Swaziland) | Extension officer (6 to 12 years) |
| Raver Agriculture Consultancy (Botswana and Nigeria)
| CEO (15 to 25 years) |
The SUN Group Date: Wednesday, 23rd June 2021 Time: 14.00 to 17.00 (C.A.T) Training Link-Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2676939533?pwd=OUhzS1g4cWJxajAxS2tmYmFFdWhPQT09 |
| |
| Ministry of Agriculture (Monze. Zambia) | Agricultural Journalist (15 to 25 years) |
| Coffee Research Institute (Chipinge, Zimbabwe) | Head of Institute (6 to 12 years) |
| Department of Agricultural Research(Lesotho) | Dissemination of technologies(6 to 12 years) |
| Agricultural Research (Lesotho) | Providing support to Researchers (6 to 12 years) |
| IITA (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture) (Location missing) | Communication Specialist (6 to 12 years) |
| Abja Estates Limited (Uganda) | Communications and operations Manager (1-5 years) |
| SIRDC (Scientific and Industrial Research and Development Centre Zimbabwe)
| Researcher (1-5 years) |
| World Aquaculture society (Location missing) | Executive officer (Management) (1-5 years) |
| National Agricultural Information Services under Ministry of Agriculture (Zambia) | National Agricultural Information Services under Ministry of Agriculture (6-12 years) |
| CCardesa Botswana | Finance Manager (1-5 years) |
| International Organisation (Zimbabwe | Communications Advisor (1-5 years) |
| CCARDESA Botswana | Project officer (1-5 years) |
| Self (South Africa) | Researcher(1-5 years) |
| Meteo Department (Zambia) | Weather forecaster (15-25 years) |
| Agriculture Research Council (South Africa) | Researcher (6 – 12 years) |
| Ministry of Agriculture(Mbabane) | Supervision of all Agriculture Extension personnel (15 to 25 years) |
| University of Eswatini
| Researcher (6 to 12 years) |
| Instituto de investigação agrária de Moçambique (Maputo Mozambique) | Communication(1 to 5 years) |
| Institute of Agricultural Research of Mozambique (IIAM) (Mozambique-Maputo) | Graphic and Multimedia Designer (6 to 12 years) |
| Institute of agrarian research of Mozambique IIAM | Department aed (6 to 12 years) |
| Malawi Broadcasting Corporation(Mzuzu – Malawi) | Ethnic news editor (1-5 years) |