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Sep 16, 2020

By Stella Nyirongo Mlotha

Christopher Katola, a farmer from Chimphepo village in Traditional Authority Kalolo in Lilongwe is among thousands of farmers from different corporative that are ripping the fruits of climate-smart agriculture.

Through a program by CCARDESA, one thousand four hundred and twelve lead farmers can now afford a smile after enjoying two years of bumper harvests.

CCARDESA rolled out a climate-smart agriculture program known as Agricultural Productivity Program for Southern Africa (APPSA).

Katola lauds the CCARDESA program citing that his family is now food secure. “The coming of APPSA has benefited us as we no longer face hunger in our community. Many of our families have become food secure through this program” he said.

The farmers were in the initial stages of the program were given crop seeds to use in their fields as one component to allow lead farmers to use hybrid crops in their farming. Apart from making ends meet from maize farming, the lead farmers from Chimphepo, now look at the diversified farming system as a way to sustain their livelihoods as they seek new revenue streams.  

The farmers were allowed to venture into livestock farming as a way towards enduring the harsh realities of modern-day farming life. Additionally, veterinary officials around Chimphepo village are now all smiling with the coming of the program.

Awadu Nkwanda is one of the Veterinary scouts who says that many farmers have had to think laterally to survive as the farmers adopt farm diversification where they turn to other forms of income outside traditional farming practices. “We are encouraging farmers from Chimphepo to adopt farm diversification and including livestock farming in their ventures. I am personally commending APPSA for introducing this program” said Awadu.

Agricultural Productivity Program for Southern Africa (APPSA) is a regional project which was initially introduced in three countries of Malawi, Zambia and Mozambique but currently, the project has extended to Lesotho and Angola.

The author is a presenter at Maziko Community Radio Station in Lilongwe, Malawi.


Funding Partners


Beneficiaries Reached


Farmers Trained


Number of Value Chain Actors Accessing CSA


Lead Farmers Supported