Caption: Interactive map presenting country specific data, including universities and incubators contacted for the study and the digital innovations identified at the time of the study
Full Country Report (PDF)
Botswana Ranked 6 of 16 Countries in the Benchmark
The benchmark assessment reflects the extent to which Botswana is unlocking positive pathways towards a digital economy and supporting a vibrant ecosystem of different actors.
Caption: Results from Benchmark Assessment for Botswana
Botswana ranked 6 out of 16 in the benchmark assessment, suggesting that it has some of the key foundational elements necessary for a robust digital economy.
Botswana ranked in the top half of the SADC member states for all pillars except digital government (which identified the presence and use of digital services and platforms to enable public service delivery).
Group | Country | Benchmark Index Score (Adjusted) | Overall Benchmark Ranking |
1 | South Africa | 0.5891 | 1 |
Mauritius | 0.5839 | 2 | |
Seychelles | 0.5155 | 3 | |
Global Median | 0.5064 | ||
2 | Eswatini | 0.4222 | 4 |
Tanzania | 0.4138 | 5 | |
Botswana | 0.4114 | 6 | |
3 | Zimbabwe | 0.3895 | 7 |
Namibia | 0.3809 | 8 | |
Lesotho | 0.3802 | 9 | |
African Median | 0.3595 | ||
Zambia | 0.3506 | 10 | |
Malawi | 0.3483 | 11 | |
Madagascar | 0.3005 | 12 | |
4 | Angola | 0.2985 | 13 |
Mozambique | 0.2919 | 14 | |
DR Congo | 0.2782 | 15 | |
Comoros | 0.2497 | 16 |
Caption: Overall Benchmark Assessment Results and Rank for all SADC member states
For further information on the benchmark results and regional trends please read the Situational Analysis Report.
Digitalization is Being Prioritized but is at an Early Stage
The baseline of national policies, strategies, and legislation identified that digitalization is being prioritized but further approaches to incorporate emerging technologies and data are necessary.
Six documents were reviewed that prioritized the importance of digitalization across the economy and focused on a general approach to integrating ICTs, cybersecurity, and e-Government.
No specific sectoral strategy or policy on digitalization within agriculture was identified. Digitalization within the agriculture sector in Botswana is inferred in broader national policies and strategies but is still preliminary.
Some digital innovation is apparent in livestock (see the report for more information) and the same benefits could be realized across the wider agriculture sector, especially in trade, if digitalization is better integrated into the sector.
15 Innovations with Smart Farming the Most Common
All use cases were represented in Botswana including digital advisory, agri-digital financial services, digital procurement, agri e-commerce and smart farming.
Smart farming was most common and prevalent with a clear gap around agri e-commerce and agri-digital financial services. The technology being utilized such as blockchain, AI and machine learning, is more advanced than some of the more analogue technologies being used in other SADC countries.
Caption: Diagram illustrating number of identified innovations and their sub use case solutions.
The surveyed innovations addressed most stages of the value chain but there is a clear gap in storage solutions, with no examples found. These results are reflective of the main pain points innovations are attempting to address such as low productivity, the knowledge gap and poor access to markets.
Caption: Diagram illustrating number of innovations identified in each phase of the value chain.
The results from Botswana suggest there is a clear challenge when it comes to the users of the innovations. Digital literacy was cited as a challenge by most innovations when applying their solutions, which was followed by farmer uptake, use and behavior. Key challenges were also noted around connectivity and physical infrastructure.
Digital Infrastructure is Limited in Rural Zones and is Required to Enhance Digital Agricultural Skills Trainings
Greater efforts should be made to foster youth entrepreneurship through the development of a robust capacity platform to train youth, the identification of opportunities in agriculture for youth, the development of Labs, the provision of incubation facilities for the AgriTech sector and equipping the greenhouses that leverage technologies.
Yet digital infrastructure is limited in terms of its implementation, especially in rural zones. The government must provide digital infrastructure to enhance digital skills training and provide job opportunities in the agricultural sector.
The regional research and education network of southern and east Africa, UbuntuNet Alliance, reports that the Botswana National Research and Education Network (BotsREN) has recently been established. It is recommended that BotsREN is strengthened so that it supports the development of affordable connectivity infrastructure and other value-added services for the benefit of research, education, and innovation-related institutions.
Icons - credit to NounProject